Monday 18 September 2017

Colonoscopy? If I’m wrong, what have you got to lose?

I’ve advised many clients to see doctors because I’ve been worried about images I’m seeing or information spirit is sharing during healings and readings. Not every client has done so and some have later required surgery or became terminally ill. I’ve no medical training or accreditation, but if I see something that concerns me during your session, please see a doctor. If I’m wrong, what have you got to lose?
I’ve been able to successfully heal many illnesses and conditions countless times, but despite my confidence and past successes I advise everyone to seek traditional medical consultation. Outcomes are unpredictable and alternative health practitioners shouldn’t dismiss traditional health care or offer medical advice.

Thalia, thanks for the testimonial. 

I saw Simon for the second time in September 2015. During my session he spent quite a lot of time on my health. Simon said I had two polyps and ‘something else’ going on. He was very insistent and said he couldn’t emphasize enough how important it was for me to get a colonoscopy done. He also said he believed I could turn my health around with [a healthier] diet. I had been continually dieting and was very unkind to myself.  I had been to the surgeon earlier that year as I was due for a routine colonoscopy but the guidelines had changed to 5 years and with no symptoms the surgeon said there was no need to do it.  A few weeks after I had seen Simon I had a small bleed and went to the doctor again. He thought it was nothing serious, probably a hemorrhoid, but agreed with me that a colonoscopy was in order.  In November 2015 I had a colonoscopy and there were indeed two polyps and also a 6 cm tumor on my rectal wall.
I immediately started healing meditation at least once every day and took processed sugar out of my diet. Six weeks later I had continuous chemotherapy and radiotherapy for 6 weeks. After the treatment I also stopped eating red meat, processed meats, dairy and wheat and included good quality natural supplements into my daily routine.  Scans and biopsies have shown I am now clear of the cancer and today I am 18 kg lighter and feel better than I have in 20 years. I am so thankful to Simon for giving me that information and that I followed it up. What an amazing person.  He has given me my life back and so much more.  Thanks so much Simon for everything.

Thalia Fowler ~ Port Lincoln

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