Tuesday 3 December 2013

Want to be a successful energy healer? Ask the universe for a new story

A friend asked how do I cope with unsuccessful healings. My answer, thoughts and insights about being a healer & healing.

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Thursday 31 October 2013

Psychic or Medium: How did you die?

There are degrees of accuracy between spirit communication and psychic readings. In both situations the information can be misinterpreted and it’s important for mediums to not let their personality, emotion and life experiences contaminate the information.
Psychic information is influenced by many factors: thought, speech, action, reaction, consequence, and location of the subject and participants of an event. In a publicised event, like a murder, it’s common to read the publicity and opinions of others rather than facts.
If the first psychic reads misinformation, another could intuit the same wrong information. It’s true by default, but not factual. Once the murder becomes a media story the information is now influenced by the public’s thoughts and actions.
Sadly, it’s easier to be wrong than right. I believe, to increase accuracy, psychics need to know how they’re working, what they’re really thinking and feeling, and be honest about all aspects of themselves.
Sometimes with suicides I’ll see multiple causes of death. I know a spirit is present, I see multiple suicides, but I don’t see the suicide. That’s a psychic reading. A medium reading is: I see and can describe a male in spirit, I hear the name John — I might only see the J and o knowing it’s a name that begins Jo — I smell alcohol, see a location, not the cause of death, but know it’s a suicide. That’s a conversation, using information rather than language with spirit.
I ask, “How did you die?” The spirit may not answer or I might not hear the answer.
“I killed myself.” But he doesn’t say or show how. I might feel the death in my body: I choke, my neck is stretched, I feel wet, I hear a bang, or I smell something —another conversation using information. In this case I’m empathic to, intuitive of the information stored in the spirit’s energy field/signature.
The spirit doesn’t want to tell me how he killed himself, but the client needs to know to believe I’m communicating with John. That information can be hidden by the emotional state of the client. Desperation and grief can sometimes, but not always silence the information.
Every reading is different. Similar to talking to a living person, conversations ebb and flow.
In some, there’s a perception that mediums and spirit should know everything, but that’s not true. Advice from spirit is still delivered from the personality and platform of the lifetime of the spirit. If dad gave lousy advice living, he’ll give lousy advice dead.
From spirit, the degree of truth increases though, which is difficult for some clients to hear.
“You’re responsible.”
“No I’m not. My spouse is a pig!”
Maybe, but you’re still responsible.
A psychic interprets information/frequencies of consciousness. A medium delivers, hopefully accurately, information.

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Wednesday 16 October 2013

No, you don’t have a body buried under your house!

Twice this month I’ve heard stories about psychics telling people they have a body buried under their house. Apparently, hidden bodies cause children to misbehave and not sleep. The psychics also suggested rituals to cleanse the bad energy.

My suggestion: tell the psychic to leave and spend more time with your children. Clean, don’t cleanse your house.

My partner and I found a body. It was concreted in a barrel. The only bad energy was the shock of realising what we were looking at. If you have a body under your house, don’t dig it up. If you do, fortify yourself by watching The Walking Dead series and drink bourbon.

Psychics, don’t be dicks!

When I travelled to New York State, I saw visions of Native American Indian massacres. I travelled past historical sites and was disturbed by the energy there. I saw deaths and spirit asked me to heal the site and the people in spirit. 

At home, in NZ, and here in Australia I’ve had similar experiences with Maori and Aborigine in spirit. I’ve visited locations that agitate me. I feel watched and I’ll see images from the past.

Most people won’t be affected or be aware of the energy in such locations. Some will. It’s fear that causes an uncomfortable reaction. Time is flexible. The past exists in the present. We’re a body of light/information and we’re reactive to emotion and events that have happened in the past.

Stay calm, take a deep breath, and smile. Faith and compassion create peace.

And, “Mr Psychic, no, my house isn’t built on a burial ground.”
Stay calm. Stay calm. Bugger it! “Daryl! Where’s ya bow!”

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Tuesday 17 September 2013

Why Seaspray? Signs From Spirit

Seaspray, located in East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, is a small coastal farming community. On the road in a sign warns, no fuel in Seaspray. It should say, no fracking, or, bring snacks; the lone shop might be closed. The majority of clients travel more than an hour to see me. Some travel 4 – 6 hours. Everyone comments on how beautiful and peaceful the location is and that’s why I’m there. People come.

The cottage farmhouse is older than my dad and, jokingly, is a living museum. Tracey, the host, has kept and is using her father’s furniture and household appliances. She showed me a photo of her as a baby in the house and I noticed that the
coffee, tea and sugar containers in the photo are still on the bench now. The house and surrounding buildings have history and personality.

Body shop products adorn a rough finished wooden dresser and designer jeans and lace bras hang beside farm shirts on a forty five year old laundry cart. 3 litre plastic milk bottles filled with recycled wash water are lined up on the toilet floor. After every flush a bottle is emptied into the cistern.

Tracey recycles everything. Including memories and spirit. She’s surrounded by spirit, paddock people, who help her on the farm. When her father died she inherited the farm and has had to learn to farm. Spirit and the spirit of the earth have helped her. Everything happens at the right time, not at her time. She doesn’t farm or live like her father did. She’s stubborn, a modern woman living a sustainable and unselfish life, not a minimalistic one.

We had discussed moving the cows and the old bull. The bull, carrying an injury, had gone bush every time Tracey had attempted to move him. She let him be. This time the bull followed the cows as we moved them. On the way past the yards he separated from the cows and calves and stopped in the yard paddock. We shut the gate. The next day Tracey returned to the farm to drench the bull. He had walked into the yard and was waiting for her. These types of events happen all the time.

This visit, Tracey and I walked from the bull’s paddock to the saltwater lake. Unknown to her the walk was a conversation between her and her guide. Her guide, Emu man, an aboriginal, lived on the farm thousands of years ago. He and Tracey were brothers. Tracey has always been interested in aboriginal history and she still has the book she read as a child with photos of aboriginals in it. She’s told me she always looked at the photos and had an affinity with indigenous culture and peoples. 
Emus left of white tree trunk

On the walk we saw two emus and two black cockatoos flew directly at Tracey and landed in branches above her. They squawked, what’s up? Tracey knew they were talking to her. On the way back Tracey walked over a small emu feather. Emu feathers have two feathers coming from one quill. One was broken. Emu Man was talking to his brother: two emus, two cockatoos and two feathers always connected. Tracey startled the emus. Emu Man startles Tracey. Tracey’s heart is aching—the broken feather. She misses her dad. “What’s up?”

It’s black fella and white fella business. Emu
Man is an interesting mix of mystery and humour. He loves Tracey. He loves.

Love. That’s why I’m at Seaspray.

Healing and working with spirit is a community venture. The community of people, spirit and earth at Seaspray is harmonious with my nature. Miracles happen. J

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Welcome Maria Savva, Author of 3

I’m always grateful to meet beautiful people online. Maria Savva, fellow author, bangers and mash eater — Crikey! Sir Donald Bradman, please forgive me J — has just released a new book, ‘3’. What’s it about? Glad you asked.

Book description:

A trio of short stories.

Memories from the past can haunt the present.

1. Never To Be Told - Tom and Amber are on a romantic date... but the past is always present.

2. The Bride - In this paranormal short, Olivia makes a chilling discovery.

3. What The Girl Heard - Victoria revisits a place that holds a dark reminder of an incident from her childhood. She had vowed she would never return.

Author Bio:

Maria is a writer of short stories and novels. She has always been a storyteller, and an avid reader, and is now having a lot of fun in her adventure with the creative art of writing. She has published 5 novels, including a psychological thriller, a family saga, and a fantasy/paranormal/time travel book. She also has 5 collections of short stories, the latest “3” has been described as an “Innovative showcase” of her short stories. If you like stories that will take you deep inside the characters’ hearts and minds, and you like twists in the tale, you will probably want to try these stories.

As well as writing, Maria is a lawyer (not currently practising law). During her career, she worked in family law, criminal law, immigration, residential property law, and wills & probate, among other things. Many of her stories are inspired from her own experiences and the experiences of those she knows or has known. Chances are, if you get to know this author it won’t be long before you are changed forever into a fictional character and appear in one of her books. If she likes you, you may become a romantic hero/heroine; if she doesn’t... well, she writes a good thriller I hear.

Maria currently divides her time between working as an administrator in a university, and writing/reading/editing/blogging. She maintains the BestsellerBound Recommends blog helping to promote fellow indie authors. She’s also a music blogger for UK Arts Directory where she helps promote independent musicians.

What her bio doesn’t say:

Maria works for SHIELD, has been a hand model and bodyguard. She doesn’t sleep. Scientists are researching why. It’s a mystery.  

Where’s Maria? Everywhere!

Buy links:

“3” is Currently available in Kindle format (Can be read on a Mac, PC, iPad, Smartphone etc., with the free downloadable apps from Amazon). Look out for the paperback coming soon.

Book Trailer: 

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
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