Thursday 26 May 2011

Some things I’ve been thinking about

I’ve been busy writing, revising The Disciple, and playing with a new WIP. This has kept me away from social media, which is a good thing because it can be a time waster.

Why are bananas so expensive? $12 - $16/kilo! Local supermarkets won’t buy local bananas because they’re too small! Australian companies import bananas, making the importer rich, frustrating shoppers and local growers. *I've just found out Australia doesn't import bananas. Sorry, importers. The big supermarkets won't take bananas from local growers, they still buy them from up North which was devastated by cyclone Yasi. Local growers have good quality bananas, let's support our local economy.

Why is petrol so expensive when the Australian dollar is strong? The government investigates oil companies every year for price fixing, and also collects millions in fuel tax! *Soon we'll be paying for petrol with bananas.

Another Aussie digger dies in Afghanistan. Why?

I wear my heart on my sleeve—I’d be a lousy poker player—and I talk about my life with friends, but from now, I’m going to be a bit more circumspect.

I’m grateful for M and family.
 I saw a tiger getting a blood test!

Rainbow lorikeet at home :)
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  1. Simon,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts..
    I *lvoe* social media..I don't invest the time that I used to, but I do invest in quality which had enriched the overall quality of my life..
    I'm a lousy poker player too..when I have a good hand, the world knows it; when I have a not good hand, the world knows it..and that's okay by me, I'm still going to share as openly as that because it allows me to experience a richness that some don't even dare to dream about..So, I suck at poker, but I have a winning hand in life:)

  2. The tiger looks like he's in a zoo. What about the other animals?

    Gas is expensive in the States, too. But bananas are not too bad. They're up, but still affordable.

  3. I haven't bought bananas for ages! I love them,but I have learnt to love(live) without them,due to the $12 price tag.Life is a bit like that.
    Trust me...I have thought,just one banana won't hurt,but the cycle of loving those bananas comes back again & then where would I be? Paying the price? Extra good potassium? A bit like what we choose to reveal to each other & then hoping we don't get ripped of at the checkout.
    Love ya!

  4. Simon,
    I love the photos, especially the last one. Oh my God beautiful.

    I have to force myself to do social media cuz it's good for my blog.

    I'm thinking light hearted thoughts today!

  5. Wow we are blessed we paid $4.50 at the markets yesterday for bananas that we used to pay $1.50 or $2 for. Yes social media can be a big time waster it can also be so empowering and I think of all the beautiful people you included who I may not have met if it wasn't for Social media

    love and peace with a hug
