Wednesday 1 December 2010

Australia Zoo & NY State

Hi everyone! I’m busy writing articles, updating websites and profiles, replying to emails, and healing, so it may be a little quiet around here. If I’m not home, let yourself in, and make a pot of tea.

I’m still waiting to confirm dates for another trip to Rochester. At this stage it will be near the end of February. I’ll be in NY State again in April and around the 15 and 16 June. I’ve been invited to speak at the #140conf NYC 2011, which will be awesome! Thank you, Jeff Pulver.

Here are some more photos of the Australia Zoo to enjoy with your tea. Talk soon, Simon.

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  1. Hi Simon,
    Gorgeous photos..
    Enjoy the preparations..
    May you revel in delight each day..

  2. Hi Simon,

    Nice photos :) Thanks for sharing
