Sunday, 18 October 2009

Meditating to connect with spirit

The best advice I can give anyone who wishes to develop psychic ability, work as a medium, or become a healer is to meditate. Not once a week, dependent on a group, but as much as you can. Meditate in the shower, sitting on the toilet, mowing the lawns, during any repetitive activity that doesn’t require you to think about what you’re doing. Don’t do it when your wife is talking to you; pay  attention! Even if one eye is on the footy game, touch her on the way past, and always notice when she has had her hair done. Boys, this will help you to mediate. Girls, just ignore him, you can already multi task.

Hang on! Can we meditate on the move? Yes you can. We’re not meditating to become the Dalai Lama; we want to connect with spirit. Here’s a response I left on the blog. Although the question was about self inquiry and Deepak Chopra's focus on meditative techniques, the principle is the same.

My angelic guide is a Buddhist monk, his name is Gegu, and he has taught me how to meditate. He calls the chatter in our mind, our questioning mind, and his teachings will have me on 'the path of no path'. He says to first believe two things can happen at the same time in perfect harmony. The proof of this is the harmony of the trillions of things that happen in our bodies at the same time. We breathe without conscious thought, our hearts beat, and our questioning mind does not interfere with these processes. So, stillness and chatter coexist in perfect harmony. Surely this is enlightenment? If ego also coexists, and it must, then ego is also an enlightened state. If we start here, then meditation is easy and mindful.

Enlightenment is also found in an act of rage because it coexists with 'the path of no path'. Everything I'm writing now is coming from Gegu. The difference between you, the reader, and me, the writer, is only we're individually the sum of our separate life experiences and evolved personalities.

Too much emphasis is given towards the overcoming of ego. If we claim to have reached an enlightened or mindful state, is there not ego in this statement? I am there, you are not.

If our intent is to find stillness then the questioning mind will quieten and our focus will shift to the stillness, but remember, stillness is always present, only our awareness shifts. Be aware though, our mind is awareness, the translator, the means to understand and record the stillness. Without it there is no record of the moment. The moment exists, but not recorded by a mind.

Our mind is the mobile phone spirit is going to call us on. If we turn the phone off we won’t be able to record or understand what spirit is saying or teaching. You will find spirit in the silence, but it’s at a collective consciousness level. You will experience bliss, floating out of body, but you will have no recall.

Before you try to meditate while driving the kids to school, first sit quietly. No special position, just make sure you’re comfortable. I like low light because I see the images clearer when my eyes are closed. Don’t worry about what your mind is doing. Let your thoughts wander, relax your hands and jaw, it makes a difference, and have no expectation about what you will experience.

Any form of prayer or ritual that is protection themed, is also fear based and unnecessary. Trust me on this. Too many spiritual guides/teachers are limiting their student’s experiences by enforcing this principle.

Your guides and spirit already know what you want, but it will help relax you if you ask (not out loud). Breathe in, “I’d like to talk to my guide,” breathe out, “I love this.” Any variation of this, or silence, will bring a result. Remember, meditate every day.

Let any images you see flow, don’t try to interpret what you’re seeing. A common pattern of images is: colours, symbols, some people see animated scenes, fantasy creatures, religious icons, hands, faces, and then full figures and landscapes. This is a guide only and everyone will have a different experience.

The best advice I can give you is, at first don’t attach meaning to anything you see or experience. Spirit is trying to teach you a new language and just because red means something to someone else, don’t assume it means the same thing for you. If you see a pyramid, don’t immediately think it’s from a past life. If you see calligraphy, it doesn’t mean you have to try and interpret it, and if you hear a foreign language, ask for it in English, or a language you understand. You will know when the images you see are real. You will have no doubt.

Observe, but don’t become involved. Wait until all the static is gone. Don’t let anybody tell you what to do, not even me. This is a guide only. I’m only the master of my own experience, and there are no rules when working with spirit, but these, faith and trust.

If you have any questions I’ll try to answer them for you. Good luck, Simon.

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That Crazy Thing Called Love

If you come to me for healing, sometime during the session, I'll tell you that I love you. Most people assume I mean in a spiritual way, or that I’m channelling a higher consciousness, a divine healing love, and, because I’m eccentric and sensitive, I’ve expressed out loud my love for the power of healing.

"Surely he doesn’t mean he loves me?" Yes I do. Often people say to me that I can heal because I come from a place of love, I have a higher vibration, or I must be enlightened enough to be a channel for unconditional love. Well, how do they know, a what, and do you want to have a beer with me?

I don’t believe I’m a channel for unconditional love. Unconditional love is our greatest potential and is the sibling of perfect health, harmony, and peace. A place of love? Is that a holy place, a moment of connection with God consciousness, a soup of calm utopian emotions, or a peaceful state of mindfulness? Maybe all or none of those descriptions, and if I have a higher vibration, by suggestion you must have a low vibration. "I’m sorry, this is a high vibration bar only; you can drink in the public bar." Now that’s not right.

I’m not unique, but my vibration or frequency is my own. Every letter I’m typing, motion, thought, and the squillion (is that a real number?) things that happen in our bodies at the same time all have a unique vibrational frequency. We’re all in the infinite pool of something. If God is everything, aren’t we by definition God? Gods! Ooops, there goes my credibility. "He thinks he’s a God."

My healing gift is not measured against or controlled by my moods, my diet, or my love for rugby and all things Australian—it simply is. The choices in my life are only choices, often made because of generational, social, and cultural habit. The frequency of habit is in my genes, my cellular energy, and my consciousness: divine, common, observed, ignored, its disharmony or symphony permeates my life.

Do I love everybody? I have to admit I have a little trouble with this outside the healing room, but this feeling is something spirit has encouraged me to express when I’m healing. I’m sincere, I love you. I see how beautiful you are when you cannot. I see perfect health.

Why do we always separate something spiritual from the physical? All parts of life reincarnate and remain constant. Our bodies reincarnate into the earth's environment as easily as the returning of our souls. If there’s only one soul, one spirit, one consciousness, one divine; then reincarnation is only vocabulary used to describe something that is constant.

An important part of the process of healing is my ability to love you. I can only feel that way because that feeling is in you. We’re living different parts of the one life; exciting, unparalleled, extraordinary, and tantalisingly similar parts of the one life.

My whole body hums with love for you. No, not in a creepy I’m going to stalk you way, but in a, maybe this is how we’re supposed to live way. We share anger as powerfully as we share love, and this indefinable God is found equally in both emotions.

I see spirit, angels, and things my imagination and love of Dean Koontz novels couldn’t possibly create, so its hard for me to believe they’re not real, but reality is perception, and as intricate and as varied as describing the infinite pool.

I’ll share this though; all the angels and spirits who frequent my healing room look at us with unforeseen awe and respect, and they tell me we are the angels. We are the lucky ones. By definition angels and miracles are, well, angelic and miraculous, but we have this around the wrong way.

I love you, because I can. It’s what makes us angels.

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