Thursday 26 August 2010

My PC’s Driving Me Crazy!

I’ve spent the last four days searching tech forums and the Microsoft site to update drivers and programmes. My laptop spent a day at the doctors, and it took two days to upload Nero Media Suite 10 and then it didn’t do what I wanted it to. So I ordered a new computer! Take that old PC, and there’ll be no make up sex this time!

Since I’ve neglected my blog I’m planning a surprise romantic dinner: new hard drive, genuine software, windows 7, and the ambient glow of a new monitor. That post will be hot and locked.

In other news I’m reformatting all the video on my blog and hopefully everyone will be able to watch them. I’ll post an update soon.
This is what I’ve been doing between bookings.
This room will be my new healing and meditation room.
The garden is growing well and we’re eating silver beet, snow peas, baby spinach, celery, zucchini, and herbs. The herbs are fantastic to cook with.
Broccoli is almost ready.
Our first zucchini.
This is a dragon fruit and I’m curious about how quickly it will grow.
Talk soon beautiful people.

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  1. Nice garden, Simon!!!

    Have FUN with that new *ahem* toy of yours....

  2. Simon,
    I love all the photographs of your home improvement project and the garden. You're creativity knows no bounds it seems!

  3. Hi Simon,

    I love the garden and the healing and meditation room! Every home has got to have one, in my opinion. Plus, nothing beats eating your own vegetables straight off the vine. What a blessing!

    As for the computer issues....look at is as a test in patience.

    Looking forward to your videos and any other offerings that you share!

    With love and blessings!

  4. He heals, he remodels, he cracks jokes, he grows vegetables, he cooks... Is there anything this man can't do?!!

    I loved reading what you're up to; although I have one word for you re: computer issues (although it sounds like it's too late): Mac.
    I've been making sweet, sweet love to my Mac for the past two years, and it gets better every time. (wink)

    Gosh, you have broccoli?! My friends with gardens here couldn't get their broccoli to grow this year. Funny growing season, I suppose.

    Talk soon!

  5. Dear Wonderful Simon, It is sooooooo cool to see this side of you. I love it. From the garden to the remodel. The room will be filled with light for healing. It's soothing and uplifting. And it's so wonderful that you still have your hands in the soil (soul) of Mother Earth. Just beautiful!!

    You are a Renaissance man. Which I relate to, since I am a Renaissance woman, but I think we ALL are multi-faceted like this. It's just a matter of remembering who we really are. Once we awaken to Life we want to enjoy all it's bounteous gifts and experiences.

    Hugs and much love to you dear Simon,

  6. Lance, Angela, thanks guys. Talk soon.

    Hi Nadia, nice to see you here, and yes, patience!

    Hi Bond-Girl. I considered getting a Mac, but I'm that old dog. I'm working on an immaculate conception, no luck so far.

    Robin, a Renaissance man? Yikes! You're right, there's nothing we can't do, but it seems everyone's forgetting that. Love and peace.

  7. Trying to entice some dragons, eh? The meditation room will have a lovely, peaceful view it looks like.

    Best of luck with the new computer.


  8. Hi Simon

    Love the new space and the garden!!! How awesome of you to have that space to grow some fresh veggies of your own. That is something we were hoping to set up this year, but it was just too much this year with everything else, so we will get one going for next year.

    Mmmmm that broccoli and zucchini looks deeeee-liscious!

    As for the computer, ouch that Windows... it brings back memories that I want to forget ;) LOL... but one of the reasons we went to a Mac... maybe for your next computer ;) ?

  9. Have a nice romantic time with your new PC. I'm faithful to my MAC.

    The medication space looks like it's coming along.

    What lovely garden pictures!

  10. Yes, Helen, dragons. In my spare time I'm a dragon slayer. It looks like Macs are popular.

    Evita, the veges taste great. They actually have taste, which shows that the ones we buy in the shops are not grown organically. Maybe in processing they wash the taste away.

    Theresa, my step daughters have a Mac, but they're the only people I know who have one.

  11. Looks as if you've been very busy, Simon. Painting, gardening, getting a new PC. Sounds as though you're regrouping :)

