Monday 16 January 2012


M had two experiences with a spirit throwing a ball last week. The first was that a bouncy ball, the size of a soccer ball, was carried or kicked from the kids room down the hallway, a distance of 6m, and into our closed bedroom door. The other incident was that a tennis ball was thrown against the glass sliding door on the back patio. We live in a high-set, a two storey, home and the ball had been laying in the yard. M was home alone.

That is quite a feat for spirit to do. Not all spirits are capable of moving objects and the objects are usually small. It requires a lot of energy for spirits to move physical objects and the process is similar to telekinesis. They manipulate consciousness, the 'residue' energy of intention and action. I have children, they throw balls, so that energy is available for spirit to use. Potentiality. The energy of children is easier to connect with because their consciousness usually has less fear than an adults.

The spirit trying to get M's attention was a young boy. He wanted to go 'home – into the light. I don't often talk about this aspect of my work. Hollywood shows like Supernatural – man-crush on Dean – and Ghost whisperer have sensationalised the lost and damned. It's Hollywood people. There aren't thousands of spirits roaming our streets looking for hosts to terrify. Spirit brought the boy to me because spirit knows I can move him into the light. The balls were thrown to get my attention because I wasn't listening to my guide, Gegu. Essentially we're the light, whatever that may be. My intention to help a spirit makes the light visible – I'm not certain how spirits sense the light – and the spirit goes 'home'.

Most people react to spirits fearfully so they believe they are or their homes are haunted. The fear can create a haunting. This is not the same as a haunted location. In that situation an event or period of time can replay over and over. It's not always a spirit, but a 'slice' of consciousness. Yes, there are ghosts that choose to hang around or return to a location and this saddens me. If we heal a location or an event the vibration isn't present for the spirit to 'exist'.

By healing spirit, we're healing our souls and humanity. We're cleaning the field of consciousness.

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  1. My sister helped my hubby paint the rooms in our house before we moved in and she warned me of a little girl crying at night in one of the bedrooms. A year later, that room ended up being my infant girl's room. I'd hear crying in the night and run in to her room, only to find her sound asleep. The same thing would happen w/ my hubby. Then her pacifier started disappearing and would turn up in weird spots. Her electronic toys would also turn on in the middle of the night. Several years later when my daughter was 2, she would point at someone we couldn't see and say that's who took her "paci."

    I talked to my Reiki Master teacher and she taught me how to clear spirits. I tuned in to this girl and it turned out she was upset because she didn't know where her mother was, and I was able to reconnect her with her mom. The crying stopped that night, and we haven't had any incidents for several years. I found out later our neighborhood is built on old Indian grounds, so I'm not sure if that's where she came from, but it felt good to help her find peace. Also, the toys not turning on at night was a huge bonus!

    1. Kristi, that's a cool story. Kids in spirit are often attracted to living children. They like to play. Bravo for helping her. I've had similar experiences & some of the children become regular visitors, but I'm not certain what brings them back. We chat, exchange I love you's & they go again. It may be that they visit to heal me & I'm not aware of it.

  2. I find this interesting as just last night a ball started bouncing in my hallway. I acknowledged it, I wasn't frightened, but this story has perhaps answered a few questions for me.. :)

    1. Hi Allanah :) It's always best not to be frightened even if the spirit's energy is uncomfortable. They love to visit & they're not always in need of saving, just loving.

  3. Isn't this life wild and untamed! If I am ever to meet a lonely spirit child kicking a bouncy ball around my house I am happily going to play with them. :)

    1. Play time! I've had some pretty cool experiences with children in spirit. They visit just to say hi & play. :)

  4. Enjoyed your explanations and comments about the spirit side:) Thank you for helping us understand a little more about those things that we don't usually 'see.'I'm sure it will help us to broaden out perspectives.

    1. You're welcome. Thank you for commenting & sharing on twitter.
