Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Positive Health Response Improves Vision — Kidney Health, Diabetes, Macular Degeneration

I’m grateful to have received this testimonial from a client. C has diabetes, was blind and is waiting for a donor kidney. His health response after one in-person healing session was extraordinary.
C’s mum assisted him to walk into the house I was performing healings and readings in. During the session, C listened to everything I said. It was a brutally honest conversation. Honesty, courage and faith create change.
I’ve been advised, C continues to have further health improvement.
Thank you, C and mum.

C’s testimonial

I have not been in hospital since I saw you, which is amazing as I usually go in for weeks at a time. When I come out it’s only for about two or three days. The doctors are saying, ‘What’s going on C?’ I only had that one incident [after his session, C slipped/collapsed] as I left the house at Henley Beach.
I have gastro paresis, which prevents me from going to the loo, for a number two, on a regular basis. I would usually go about three times in a fortnight, but now I go every day. I would also leak a lot and have accidents but haven’t! 
I also pee more now. As the kidneys aren’t working, I’d only pee once a day. The fluid retention has decreased. I weighed around 85 kg when I saw you and now I’m 73 kg and I’m staying at that weight. My weight would usually go up and down, but never down that far or stay as low it is now.
The most noticeable thing for me is my eyesight. I had no vision in one eye and only a little bit of shadow movement in the other. I had a small operation on that to wash out the back of my eye as it had accumulated blood there. Because I take warfarin at quite a high dose, I can now see out of that eye; not perfect but well.
I’ve also noticed that the macular degeneration dot in that eye is smaller. I have mac degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Again at the check up, the eye surgeon said the operation would only help with the pain in the eye and not make my vision better. The eye chart test confused them and I don’t think he believed me. [C has partial vision now and it’s improving] He probably thought I had memorised the chart! Overall I feel pretty good, which I’ve not been able to say in a really long time. I have better quality sleep and I’m more motivated to do stuff throughout the day.
I have also been getting some morning glory. Ha ha ha. That part of the anatomy has not been working for a very long time, so that is a huge surprise [huge? Really C?].
I had my renal specialist appointment this week and he is amazed and confused. My kidney function has dropped from 20% to 13%, which would result in the start of dialysis, but all other results say, not yet. My blood pressure is also close to normal, which is strange. That alone changes the look on the face of whoever takes it. They usually panic, but not lately.
I feel pretty good considering all that is going on with my health. At the renal appointment the Dr. was surprised that I felt ok. That was weird.
I think a lot of the names that were coming through are from my dad’s side of the family. I will have to ask him when I see him. Mum knew some of the names. You were spot on with so much and as time went on the more I remembered. Pretty good!
Thank you for the extra healings [I’ve been doing ongoing distant healings when I meditate] you have been doing for me. Seeing you has made a real difference to each day, and I hope to see you again. Tracey does a great massage too. I felt fantastic for ages and my back is still good. I wondered if the massage also helped with the fluid movement.
Cheers, C

(Simon's thoughts) Tracey’s massage definitely helped to move the fluid. Tracey often travels with me and we offer a package price for a 75 minute session with me and an hour massage with Tracey. Tracey gets good results with clients who have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and arthritis. My experience has been that massage for those conditions often results in further pain. I believe that no matter what you come to see me for, a massage with Tracey, or chatting with her, will enhance and accelerate healing.
Tracey is an exceptional healer. I’m aware of the spirit guides and healers that work with her. Through connection and friendship, the healing process is heightened. Healing is improved through honesty and openness between client and healer, and amongst healers/people.
Similar to the (supposed) outcome of attunements in other energy-healing modalities, being in proximity to, contact with or being curious about me will activate a healing vibration. My work with spirit has enabled that to happen. Truthfully, I don’t know how that’s possible, but I’ve been notified of numerous incidences that support this.
I’m a better healer because Tracey is my friend. I’m also a successful healer because clients trust me. Clients become healers.

C’s mum said:
·      Lost fluid weight /staying off
·      Eyesight improved in one eye
·      Toilet habits changed for the better
·      Happier in himself
·      Colour has improved/looks healthier
·      Is able to walk further and for longer
·      Appetite is better
·      Skin rashes have cleared up not returned
·      Does not sleep through the day anymore
·      Has been in touch with old friends. Before seeing you, Simon, he did not see anyone, but dad, brothers and me.
·      Is now confident talking to the medical teams who work with him
·      Has started taking care of his own business
·      Has stopped telling me the same thing five times a day. Now says, ‘I told you that already didn’t I?’

Since his healing, C has had a few friends visit. This is amazing, as no one seemed to care and now they are all popping up. C was very popular and had hundreds of friends he always kept in touch with. Now that he can see a little, and with the help of his RSB (Royal Society for the Blind) projector, C is back on FB. I’ve been able to take him shopping for clothes. Sounds small but in his world, huge!
The Monash transplant team has told C the artery in the leg they need to be able to plug the kidney into at transplant is calcified, so they won’t be able to use it. I asked what happens if the other leg has the same problem. The answer, ‘no transplant.’ Another ultrasound will be done to see if the other side is okay. Fingers crossed.
[I’m editing this while flying to Melbourne. When I read this, I closed my eyes and did a distant healing on C’s vascular system. I saw arteries, calcification and images that encourage me to believe C’s vascular system has improved]
I guess the outcome of that will be the test for C. He can choose amazing palliative care to exit this life or go on dialysis indefinitely. He will choose dialysis. 
The thickness of C’s blood is controlled by the warfarin. Due to poor kidneys, his blood becomes really thick. Due to strokes and heart attacks that have already occurred, they have to thin his blood. At the moment it’s okay, but recently it was 1.3 of normal, which is too thick. They increased the meds slightly. I thought that’s not going to do much, but it went to 5.3, which is too thin. Everyone panic! A normal blood test resulted in panic by the blood nurse and confusion for the docs.
C say’s he feels much better even though he knows the tests say otherwise. He tells me, thanks to you, he is very grateful for all the well days he has.
He also said you pop into his head at the most random times [this is common. Clients pop into my head too and I do further healing], and in those moments he relaxes and thinks about healing. Looking forward to your next visit, C's mum 

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
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Monday, 5 October 2015

“I have been given my life back.” — Energy Healing Heals PTSD and Autoimmune Disease

This week, I’m grateful to have received this testimonial from a client via text. The client wishes to remain anonymous, but wanted me to share here. Thank you!

I’ve had success with PTSD and autoimmune disease many times. Some clients need follow-up sessions and ongoing support, some get a negligible or nil response, but most experience positive health responses.

PTSD caused through military service is more difficult to get a health response. The psychology used in military training is combative to treatments, but I’ve also had successes with service men and women.

“Feeling very humble and free to be me. Thank you, Simon Hay, for helping me live and enjoy the moments now pain free. Before our session this year I was defeated and angry. I was diagnosed with PTSD, rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune disease) and had lost my job due to in house cost savings. I had been so busy kicking myself for the pain and frustration I forgot to treat my body and soul with the kindness it deserved. You have restored my faith in myself and changed my battered life. My symptoms and inflammation are at an all time low. I have been given my life back. I now enjoy the silence, the birds singing, the gentle breeze and look to the future filled with love and support. Sharing what you do changes people. Humble and loving, you instill confidence and hope where there was once little.”

Winton, QLD, Australia

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Monday, 28 September 2015

Energy Healing & Health Through Connection

This fortnight and twelve months after she’d seen me, a client informed, a few days after her healing session she menstruated. She hadn’t had a period for a long time and joked, wasn’t sure she wanted to again. It’s a common healing response.

It’s also common for clients to share good news months after, or I’m told by a referral. Most of my successes are unrecorded.

I’m grateful that Donna, who following email is from, always shares. Donna asked me to do a distant-healing for her son’s injured knee and she’s describing her experience during and after her son’s healing.

Many people have benefitted from distant and in-person healings I’ve done for others. During readings if I’m talking about someone other than the person I’m talking to, it’s probable that that person will be getting healing. People connected to clients receive healing in varying degrees—family, friends, people who: travelled with, spoke to, know about the healing, looked at my business card, visited my website.

Clients have experienced the healing responses I share on my website and the experiences I write about in blog articles during and after: talking to me on the phone, attending events, looking at my website and social-media sites, messaging and emailing, confirming a booking, hearing my name, and being in the company of someone who has seen me.

It’s amazing and mysterious and I’m grateful for it all.

I respect that it’s frustrating and disappointing for those, and there are many, who don’t experience any of this, but I believe sharing these stories contributes to creating it to happen.

Donna’s email:
Since yesterday’s 21/9 email the following has happened:
Sunday 20/9 am — when I woke I felt a sharp pain in my right breast and couldn’t put my arm down, cold shivers all day, body aching, headache bordering on migraine, nausea and lightheadedness. Asked spirit what was going on and felt that something had burst in my breast and blood and infection had been released into my body and my body was sorting it out. [I wasn’t aware Donna speaks to spirit, but admire her trust]
Monday AM 21/9 — shivers mostly stopped, red mark on my right breast, body aching, headache and slight nausea. Went to the doctors (I needed a medical certificate for work and you try not to think the worst, but breasts are sensitive areas and you can worry about the possibilities). The Dr. thought it might be an abscess. He sent me for an ultrasound and mammogram.
Not long after, 11am-12pm 21/9, whilst at home, I felt a healing sensation in my uterus area [for women, a common location], similar to the last time you did a healing for my back in March 2015, and then further healing sensations in my back which had been aching because I was in bed all day Sunday. The relief was instantaneous and I felt so much better. 
Also, around 8 PM 7/9 on the night you did the healing for Eric, I felt the healing sensation in my uterus for a brief time. I assumed it was a pathway for spirit to Eric and I was sitting on the chair next to the bed he was in. [not a pathway in this instance. It happened because Donna was with her son]
Later in the evening, 6 PM – 8 PM 21/9, I felt the healing sensation in my uterus and back area again.
It feels so good, Simon, when it’s happening, and you feel everything will be all right. I hope that’s how you feel every day.
Then again later in the evening around 10 PM 21/9, I had just been for a walk and lay down on my bed for a little while, I felt the healing sensation (pressure) on my uterus and then a much stronger pressure in the center of my chest. It must’ve been there for about half an hour. I was awake, and although I could not see anyone I could feel them. The pressure was intense and deep into my chest and heart. It would ease off for a moment and then start again. It felt like someone was pushing me down with their hand to stay still. I felt a number of other sensations, but these were the main ones. At one point I had to move and felt something pop or twist in my heart area. It’s hard to describe.
Simon, the re-assurance and love I feel to have such a gift given to me in such a worrying time is so precious and so magnificent.
Today 22/9 I went for the ultrasound. Although I have a cyst on the left side, there is nothing sinister and the abscess was gone leaving just a bit of inflammation on the right side.
I wish I had the words to show the depth of my gratitude and love, Simon. You and spirit are so kind and loving to me and mine, let alone the world.
Right now, at this moment, I feel the healing sensation in my uterus area. Pretty cool!
The only words I have are, thanks and love, Donna

Thanks, Donna!

Reflecting on Donna’s experiences during and results after healings, I feel this is important and relevant. Donna contacts me with a clear intention; heal me. She emails, pays and accepts the booking time I give her. She co-operates without hesitation. She sends one email advising she wants a healing and has paid, and another to confirm she received my response.

A lot of clients who need healing, aware that I also do readings, focus on the reading, “I’ll get a reading too?” All my in-person clients and most of the distant get a reading. It’s the way I work, but Donna’s not interested. If she wants a reading, she’ll book another session.

It’s not whether clients get a detailed long reading or a short one that’s the issue, it’s that they expect one, they want one more than a healing. They worry about the cost, which puts a monetary value on their health. Despite that they’ve probably spent thousands on other treatments they hesitate to spend more. In some healings these factors are restrictive, while in others all factors I’ve identified as negating a positive outcome are powerless. As I mentioned before, it’s a mystery.

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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Alternative Healers Exercising Professionalism and Respect, Not Always

Disappointed, not surprised, to see this in an alternative/spiritual healer’s website bio, “works with master healer Robin Williams.” By all accounts, Robin Williams was a talented and loved comedian and actor, loyal friend and a beautiful man. Sadly, he’s now in spirit and I believe spirit should be respected and left in peace. Robin Williams, in spirit, is the man he was and his name shouldn’t be used for marketing.

I also believe by using a celebrity spirit’s name to describe what you do is inappropriate, disrespectful to the celebrity’s family, close friends and memory and weakens credibility. If alternative healing is to be embraced by mainstream society, practitioners need to be perceived as belonging to or influencers of mainstream society. Many self-titled alternatives and spiritual people claim uniqueness, ascension and new wisdom, but partly, it’s that belief and claim that causes many people to reject the possibility of seeking help from an alternative healer.

A bigger factor is that many healers don’t achieve reportable health results. Never.

In this instance, the new age metaphysical language used by the healer is conflicting and confusing. She claims to be preparing the earth for the arrival of advanced alien life (from the planet Ork?) and she works with master healer Robin Williams.   

Celebrity spirits have frequented my healings and readings many times. They visit because they can and they know I can communicate to them. Unless they share, I don’t ask questions about their lives or death, though. Most are curious about the work I do and observe not chat. Celebrity spirits and spirit healers visit willingly, I don’t ask them to attend.

I’m blessed, now that he’s in spirit, Robin Williams has attended healings and spoken to me personally, but he’s Robin Williams, not a master healer. He offers advice and heals, but to see someone use his name this way bothers me. Robin doesn’t mind, I do. He’d probably create a comedy skit about this. I’m protective of spirit’s privacy, but I wonder if I’d serve myself and spirit better if I let this go. After all, everyone deserves to have his or her beliefs respected. Despite that, it still bothers me.
Kangaroos ignoring my PA in Halls Gap, VIC, Australia

Kangaroos alerted by a man walking his dog

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Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Spiritual Law or Spiritual Habit? Healing Cannot Occur Without a Living Person

This is a comment I left in response to comments on this post, Simon Hay on Entanglement and Healing, on Frank DeMarco’s blog. There’s a lot of information here that I felt readers of my blog would appreciate. Talk soon. J

Hi Joseph and community,

My partner and I went away on Saturday and had no wifi so I’ve been unable to respond until now. I’ve thought a lot about what I’d write and many spirits have been chatting to me about this.

I too have experienced being energized during and after healings. I’ve felt many things: every human emotion and fleeting fragments of symptoms and a vast range of human behavior that, at times, affected me. I often do 5 – 7 healing/days and I fatigue.

I agree with you, Craig Hendricks and Frank that we are facilitators of healing, a conduit or pipeline of and for energy (what is this energy?). I’m not doing the healing, we are. A greater ‘we’ or ‘I’, and, I believe, ultimately the client, the receiver of the healing becomes the healer. As a healer my intention is to heal, to not force the healing, to surrender, to be kind, to love, to simply be no one thing.

To be no one thing, nothing, is a direction Moses gave me many years ago. We know the concept of nothing. If I have nothing in my pocket, my pocket is empty, and that is still awareness of something — nothing. Moses instructed, be beyond nothing. Not a higher source, because that to is something we aspire to know, to feel, to be. Be no one thing.

But, and this is something spirit reminded, the healing cannot occur without a living person. An unusual metaphor choice, but, without a living person, it’s a bullet without a gun. Humility, I hope, is something I portray, it’s something I practice, but spirit also directs me to be confident, courageous and professional.  

This leads to another pivotal, for me, series of conversations with spirit. When I started doing healings, the healers in spirit and angels present during the healings told me, we, the living were the healers, teachers and angels.

Prior to this, many and all the spiritual healers and mediums I’d met had informed about the hierarchy of spirit, the power and magnificence of ascended masters, angels and higher beings. It was inferred spirit didn’t need our help, spirit guided and through us healings occurred.

From 2000, I’ve spoken with many spiritual healers, some who had been doing healings for decades. They all described they weren’t doing the healings, the healing energy flowed through them and a higher power controlled the outcome. Most of those healers had a successful healing story to share, but when pushed, they only had one miraculous story and it had happened years ago when they had first started doing healings. Why? No one could tell me.

All the usual suspects were blamed: free will, soul contract, timing and God’s will. Their answers didn’t satisfy me and conversations with spirit didn’t support their reasons. Every spiritual/universal law told to me was ignored or questioned by my guides and spirit.

I was confused. Spirit’s response, “don’t be. Relax, smile and be yourself.” My guide, Gegu’s, first teaching was always be grateful and welcome surprise — surprise and gratitude. His most common guidance, “be small and do great things.”

In some healings I’m detached from the experience, an observer, in others I actively seek out the cause of illness and injury, and there are a vast number of variances of those themes. I don’t believe I’m in control of my experience.

My guides encourage me to ask the right questions. In this case it’s not what I experience that’s important, it’s how and why. I believe, the how is because I surrender and have faith. To determine why, we have to first identify the reason or reasons for asking: curiosity, fear, desire, exploration, etc. The context of investigation influences the finding.

Healing is an observing force that sees all without reactivity or judgment. That force sees/knows the construction of my experience without investigation. Possibly, my experience is the result of my desire to explain what I’m doing and how I’m doing it.

Here’s another piece of the mystery and answer, or not. J The collective mind/experience creates a thread for followers to tap into. I see this in what I call old school spiritual practices. When a person has a spiritual/spirit experience and then becomes a spiritual teacher, his students have similar experiences. The first experience becomes common, and, by human design or eccentricity, common law.

Now we have a way of communicating to spirit and a matching energy thread. Another individual and group, not connected to the first spiritual experience or the time, will by default connect to the energy thread of the first experience. What if the first experience was misinterpreted? Culture, generational culture, and time all influence interpretation and maintain something to be true. But what if it never was? Spiritual law or spiritual habit?

Tomorrow, a decade from now, my questions, answers and healing technique and responses will change. They must if I am and we are to evolve.

As Joseph said, we each have our own journey. Surprisingly, every statement I think or write, my guide questions. Here, it’s, “do you, my son?” It’s probably more accurate to say we’re all on a singular journey.

I know, worldwide, there are many wonderful healers doing extraordinary things, but it’s the healings that don’t occur that drive me. I lost my train of thought here. J The after-affects I experience during healings are tied to this.

Love and healing to you all, Simon 

Karangahake Gorge, New Zealand. Historic gold mine bush walk .

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