Saturday 18 August 2018

Public Healings Are Unexpected and Effective

Alex came to a soul healing (energy healing) integration workshop in Douglassville, PA and had an unexpected and powerful healing outcome. Most times, at events and workshops I know whom I will be doing healings and readings for as soon as I walk into the room and see my audience. Those people light up, they glow.
Alex caught my attention when she walked into the room and I knew at some stage I’d ask her to lie on the massage table that I was leaning against while I spoke. During healings and readings I intuit and talk about client’s personal information. In public, I’m cautious and respectful about what I say, and I trust my spirit guide’s guidance on this. I trust myself.
Alex looked uncomfortable as soon as she got onto the table and cried after a minute of contact and conversation. Alex’s voice was in my mind and she shared her life’s story and the pain she wanted addressed. I simply loved her. I held her hand and her hand told me everything I needed to say to her. She squeezed my hand hard, released, pushed me away and pulled me back in sync with the telling of her story. I’m grateful for her trust, her courage and her testimonial. Thank you, Alex. 
I first came across Simon during a spirit reading session at a local holistic shop near my house. I was so impressed that I followed up to do a healing workshop held a few weeks later.  I’m a novice at meditation and have never ventured to think that I would have the capabilities to ‘see’ a healing guide, let alone see, hear and communicate with my own guide. However, this is exactly what I experienced during the workshop.  I went into the workshop with an open mind and no expectations, and left with a life-altering inspiration, dare I say epiphany.  It’s now only a short time later, but I can say with complete confidence that what happened that day has stirred a change in me.
During the workshop, to my surprise, I was asked to move to the healing table, where Simon performed a healing for me in front of the other guests. Under normal circumstances this would be nerve-wracking, but from the time I climbed onto the table I felt secure.  I must pre-face with the fact that during my healing I did not verbally mention any of these topics or speak to him out loud.
Simon was able to see prior to my birth (I intuited information about Alex’s mother’s emotional state during the pregnancy), and reasons why I carry anxiety. He brought up potential kidney issues, an undiagnosed issue that my doctor had wanted me to see a specialist for a year prior.
He unwaveringly delved into my relationship and described, what was, a very personal internal struggle for me, and the cause of much of the turmoil in my life. I held his hand as he spoke and it felt like he could look inside my mind and see and hear all the things I could never tell anyone but was thinking and feeling.  I would think about a specific question or topic, and as if he were hearing me he would answer aloud. It was so spot-on, so accurate, such personal information — it hit home. The tears started to run down my face and no-amount of people in the room was going to stop them.
Suddenly I heard him say things would be okay, and like a wave washing over me the tears abruptly stopped and I felt calm.  I felt safe, protected, appreciated, and I felt loved. 
As the healing came to an end he offered to be available in the days following the healing, and advised to just think of him, or ask him to be near. 
That night after going home, I did just that. During a meditation session before bed I could feel my hair being touched, which then prompted me to immediately open my eyes. No one was there, but I felt a presence, an energy. It stood near my bed while I drifted to sleep that night. I feel it was there to watch over and protect me.
I can describe my experiences, the facts and events I had that day. What’s more difficult to put into words is the after-math. I suspect the outcome is different for every individual. For me, it’s like hitting the emotional lottery. My anxious moods and doubt seem to have subsided. I feel at peace, content and recharged. All things I was in desperate need of prior to the healing.
Meditation will become a daily part of my life now, and I look forward to meeting with Simon again in the future for follow up sessions. I implore anyone reading this to take time for yourself, go to a workshop, schedule a private or distant session. Lead with an open mind and allow Simon to do what he does best: teach, heal and amaze.    

Alexandria (Pennsylvania, USA)

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