Monday 10 May 2010

My Twitter Policy

If you follow me on twitter I usually reciprocate and follow you back. This doesn’t mean that I endorse your product or services. I’m not your best friend. If you tweet a racist or sexist comment I will block you. I estimate that 40% of followers have been spammers or click here to see my sexy photo. Block!

The number of people following me doesn’t mean anything to me. My ego is satisfied when my dog licks my face. This happens a lot, which means I have a clean face and smell like dog spit. It’s the people I appreciate, and if I think you’re interesting, informative, or funny, I’ll retweet you.

Twitter is like standing in a crowd at a sold out music concert; it’s easy to lose your friends, but sometimes you bump into a stranger who’s interesting to talk to and drinks your brand of bourbon.

Tweet you soon, Simon.

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  1. I love your straight forward approach Simon. Authentic living in all areas and transparency is such a beautiful quality.

    (love the part about your dog :)

  2. Hi Simon,
    I too love the part about your dog.

    It's about being real and meaningful. And that's a great policy to follow....

  3. Love your attitude. I started out strong on Twitter, tweeting multiple times a day. Lately, I haven't had time to go there. At the moment I have no idea who I'm following or who's following me. That's rather sad when you consider my daughter works for Twitter.

    Straight From Hel

  4. Twitter is one of my favorite places to hang out, which is why I limit my time there. People fascinate me, so I feel like I'm sitting in this huge coffee shop where I can eavesdrop and stare without making anyone mad. :)

  5. Evita, and Lance, thanks. If you want to lick my face you can. I won't tell the dogs.

    Patricia, it can be addictive, and people fascinate me too.

    Helen, it's easy to lose track of followers. I'm not a multiple tweeter, but I try to tweet every other day.
