Monday 15 November 2010

Family Time

I’m often asked how I balance my life. I think a lot of people assume that because of the seemingly extraordinary things that happen when I’m healing and working with spirit, that I need ordinary time. I’m not convinced I need it, but my life is as normal as everyone else’s. Barbara Konish, from Rochester, commented that she was surprised by my stamina, I’m always switched on. She meant that I’m always healing, and connected with spirit. I guess that’s right, but I believe this is how we’re supposed to live. I’m not always aware that I’m healing, but I do know that the engine is always running and spirit has my back.

To put your mind at ease, this is what happens when the x-man suit is at the cleaners. This weekend we went to Gardner Falls for a swim and a walk. Unfortunately, it was raining, and we didn’t stay long.

This is Scrappy (Julia), Lilly, and Jett. Scrappy will most probably hurt me for posting this photo, but she will forgive me by bedtime. She’s gotten into the habit of whistling when it’s time for her light to be turned off. It’s our time, so I don’t mind, but her older sisters tell me I need to toughen up and say no. The other night my phone beeped late. I opened the txt, “whistle!” You just have to love her.

On the way home Maree pointed and said, “Hey look, that’s a funny looking dog.” Everyone else in the car: confused silence. “Babe, that’s a goat.” I just had to pullover and take a photo for my readers. After we had finished laughing, Jett said, “Look dad, that goat’s ready for milking.” I don’t think I want that goat’s milk in my cup of tea. 
Home is great! My kids and my pets, who think they’re kids, are there, and Maree, who doesn’t like her photo taken, works quietly in the background. 

How brave is this little guy, and what do you think he’s saying? “Come on chica, you know you want some.”
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  1. Hi Simon .. wonderful to see the family - say hi to them from a chilly England .. thanks for sharing your life with us .. you're a lucky man with so much love, fun and support around you .. cheers Hilary

  2. So, Simon, is that...uh...alligator in your backyard? Or is the last photo taken at (I hope) a zoo? 'cause if it's your backyard, I'm calling off the trip to Australia I was organizing. I mean, it was going to be a surprise, but looks like the surprise is on me! Eesh... and Eesh again!

    I love your life, and I love that you can be switched on whenever wanted (or needed). That's pretty freakin' cool. It's also cool that just today, at lunch with Connie Deming, she and I were talking about your "on" abilities. "Doesn't he need to recharge?" I think when you live in-love like you do, the charge is always happening.

    Speaking of love, here's some for you and your beautiful family! Oh, and please tell Maree she's a goddess and we'd love to see her smiling face.

  3. LOL - oh Simon I am still laughing about the goat and the little lizard guy! Too funny!

    Anyway, it is SO good to see more pics of the beautiful little ones! What a happy bunch! Oh I can only imagine the love they spread to everyone whose lives they touch, and the magical ways they will transform this world, as they get older!

    Julia is so beautiful! Ah, the joys of good quality, family life, it is nice isn't it!

    Enjoy your new week!

  4. Hi Simon,

    Your family is beautiful and magical. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. You balance your time well. I am so glad to see people filled with such joy and hapiness. You are a blessed man :)

    Have a wonderful trip!

  5. Thank you, everyone. Yes, my kids are beautiful and I feel blessed.

    The alligator is at Australia zoo, Steve Irwin's zoo, which is 30 minutes drive from home.
