Tuesday, 22 November 2011

How do you do healings and readings?

For positive healing outcomes, my faith, mind and partnership with spirit healers are contributing factors. Also influential are the client’s mental attitude, behaviour and the interpersonal relationship between the client and myself. 
In this article I'll describe the healing and reading process in detail with accompanying thoughts.
As eighty per cent of clients book for a reading, everyone is given the option to lie on a massage table or to sit on a lounge. Most elect to be on the healing table, but I’m comfortable working both ways. 
I'll ask why have you’ve come to see me and describe how I'll be communicating. If you’re on the massage table I'll describe where my hands will be placed and where I'll be positioned. 
If at any stage during the session, I place my hands somewhere that makes you feel uncomfortable, please tell me. I’ll reposition. Despite the effectiveness of distant healing, I believe contact close to the injury, pain, tumour etc. accelerates the healing, but respecting your personal boundaries is important to me.
Throughout the session I remind that I don’t have medical accreditation. Although, I’m able to identify major organs and body systems, I often don’t know what the magnified anatomical and cellular images I see during healings are. I travel into organs, fluids and cells, experience 360° vision, hear popping and gurgling sounds, smell odours, and experience client’s pain and trauma.  
Often, during those moments, I can't feel my body. Interestingly, some clients can’t feel my hands, feel spirit's hands touching them, tapping, squeezing, pressure, etc.
During sessions I explain that I see two bodies: the client's body and an energy/light/spirit body overlaid or within the physical body. 
The spirit body interacts with me — holds my hand, hugs me, walks around the room, changes age — and is the body healers in spirit work on. In extreme cases, I'll see surgery performed on the spirit body. 
I used to wonder if what I was seeing was just an image created by my mind, until clients shared they had felt someone massaging them, had been rolled over when they hadn't, and a doctor described experiencing surgery during her session. She felt pressure, tugging, muscles and nerves being manipulated inside her body.
Telepathically, I also communicate to your soul and mind. Some clients believe I read minds because what I've heard and then said is what they were thinking. I don’t believe I’m a mind reader and don’t practice to be. For me, mind, spirit, and consciousness are the same. 
The personal information in the telepathic conversations has often never been shared and is sometimes confronting to hear. I share these conversations only when spirit directs me to. I talk about violence, trauma, abuse, gender, sexual acts, relationships, friends, family, and your most private thoughts. I respect client’s privacy and all sessions are confidential.  
In-person or via video app, whether you’ve booked for a healing or reading, everyone will get a partial or full reading. If you’ve booked a distant healing, have provided your name, a recent photo and information about what I’m healing, you may not receive any feedback. For distant healings, I prefer to speak to clients via a video app at the start of the session, and it’s then you’ll receive a partial reading. 
During readings, I intuit information about the past, present and sometimes the future, but I'm not a fortune-teller. I'm a healer and medium. I share accurate information from and about spirit. If you want a psychic reading, want to know when your house will sell, when you’ll meet your soul mate, or your life’s purpose, I’m not the reader for you.
I’ll probably be able to tell you why your house isn’t selling and accurately describe the reasons why you’re single and unhappy, though. By intuiting your accurate age, location, styles of clothing, music and media, and the names of people at significant events in your past, I’ll identify the reasons for your unhappiness, addictions and unhealthy choices and behaviours.    
At the start of and during readings, I describe how I get and share information from spirit. When I share names, I ask everyone to think about living and deceased people. Family members, in-laws, exes, friends, school friends, friends of living and deceased family members, neighbours, work colleagues; everyone!   
Sometimes the spirit you wish to hear from is absent. Be willing to provide feedback and interact. Answer my questions. Often, I know the information, I’m enquiring, not actually asking a question: “at six years old I see you in the house with a piano in it. I’m on your mother’s side of the family. I have the names Mary, Rose, Albert and Bob. Your grandmother is polishing a brass genie lamp. Do you know the house and remember the lamp? Is Mary your grandmother?”
Client responds, “Yes, I know the house. Mary is my grandmother’s sister, Rose is my grandmother’s neighbour, Albert is Rose’s husband, the lamp is in Rose’s house, and I don’t know who Bob is”
This response helps me to continue. I’ve mistaken Rose for the grandmother, but the grandmother provided the information. My client’s relaxed response heightens my connection to spirit. 
I continue, “Bob is still living. He owned a valiant charger. I have the name Ida or Ada, also Catherine. Did your mother have short red hair and ride a bike to church? Maybe she only rode the bike to church once? Is there a Chris known by mum? I actually don’t know if Chris is living or not.”
Client confirms, “Ida is my grandmother. Mum’s name is Catherine, she did have short red hair, Chris was her first husband, but I don’t know the bike story or who Bob is.”
These responses are common and I encourage clients to research the information I provide. Most clients email or message and validate information. Every reading is different, but I get lots of names and descriptions of life-events, objects, careers, deaths, and dates. 
During this session, and within seconds of meeting her, I know, at some stage in her life, she has been sexually abused, choked, threatened, has low self-esteem and has trouble orgasming. I intuit these moments because spirit and I look for events and behaviours to heal, but I’d waited to gain my client’s trust before I talked about it.
I chose this example to show the scope of information I intuit. 
95% of clients are women, 6 out of 10 have experienced sexual assault/abuse, 8 out of 10 have experienced male violence, and 8 out of 10 have a women’s health issue: endometriosis, uterine fibroids, UTI’s, hormonal imbalance, menstruation issues, and many others.
I ask my client, “At 9 years old you look distressed. I see you in a room with blue curtains, there’s a white-framed bed and a view of a park. Were your parents arguing? I can hear raised voices.”
Client looks sad and says, “That was the age my parents separated.”
I continue, “I’m going to ask something personal. Is that okay?”
I already know that at 10 years old the client was sexually abused, so I ask, “At 10 years old I see that mum is drinking at home with a man. I’ve the names Tony and Steve. I also feel at risk of harm by one of those men. I’m feeling what you were feeling.”
Client confirms, “Mum drank every night and Steve and Tony were her boyfriends.”
I haven’t asked the question I wanted to and my client is crying. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
She says, “I don’t know why I’m crying.”
I do and say, “Let’s talk about your life now. I know you’re not happy at home. You’re not sure what’s unsettling you. You feel disconnected from your husband. I’m going to swear now because you swear a lot.”
Client laughs and agrees with everything I’ve said.
I continue, “You don’t want your husband to fucken touch you. He can fuck off and sleep on the couch.”
Client snorts and says, “That’s what I told him last night.”
“I know. Look, can I say something really personal about your relationship with yourself.”
Client, “Yes.”
“I know a man touched you when you were ten. It happened in the room with bunks in it. There’s a red light bulb in a lamp, I can smell alcohol, I’m also choking (I know she was forced to have oral sex but I know, with this client, I can’t say that out loud), and I can hear your mum snoring.”
Client sighs and says, “I’ve not told anyone about that,”
“I know.” 
She sighs again and I reach for her hand. She squeezes my hand and says, “Did he hurt my sister too?”
Her question allows me to continue, “Yes he did.” 
I’m still, then notice I’ve squeezed her hand, so I say, “We love you. Spirit and I, and I know you don’t know how to feel about that. I know you don’t like your body: your shape, your belly, the mole on your left breast, your body odour, and having an orgasm is difficult. I know that’s personal and you’ve not talked about this with anyone, but I also know you want to. This is personal too. It hurts when you have sex and you don’t know how to tell your husband that it hurts.”
She sighs again, squeezes my hand and pulls me towards her when I attempt to rock back, “I don’t love him anymore. I bought a vibrator.”
I smile, “I know. It’s purple.”
She laughs and says, “I don’t know why I told you that.” 
This is common. Clients tell me things they’ve never talked about and display open and free behaviours. For conservative people, at some stage after the session, they may feel embarrassed, confused, angry, or shocked. These feelings subside and I explain to clients they can message, email or text if they feel overwhelmed or confused. Clients have informed, when I reply to their messages they feel better. I describe this healing response as a depressed response.
I’m going to end this example here. These types of conversations are common, but don’t be nervous about booking to see me. I shared this dialogue so you will know what to expect during a healing and reading. I also share uplifting, happy and funny information from spirit.
The disjointed flow of information during readings is also common. I can hint at something, but don’t have to share all the details I have. In this session, the grandmother, Ada, interjected and eased the client’s anguish, but I haven’t included it here. 
Spirit, and the client’s body language, dialogue, tone of voice, emotions, and spirit body responses determine how I continue.
I also see past life images and communicate with spirit guides and angels specific to you. But, unless asked about this, I’ll focus on you and your life.  
I’m quiet during medical healings, but will still do a partial reading. In these healings, I work with spirit healers and focus on the illness or injury. I also would like to see you 2 or 3 times, but I’ve had immediate results after one healing many times.
There have also been clients who, after multiple sessions, experienced negligible change. Truthfully, I don't know what will occur during a healing or after until it does. I’m not always successful, and talk about this online and at events.

If you're unable to see me in-person or attend a follow up session, I also do distant healingsFor some clients, distant healings are more effective than in-person healings, and I encourage clients booking medical healings to try both. Despite the distance, physical contact and responses still occur.

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read all the information and my website including the disclaimer

Thursday, 6 October 2011

I Am a Healer … & the Defender of Pooh

Recently, a good friend got into a stoush on FB, which is never a good idea, about calling one self a healer. My friend is a gentle soul, he reminds me of Pooh bear, and, although he speaks up for himself and others, arguing with him is like cutting in front of old ladies with weak bladders to use the restroom first.

It's common in energy healing circles for people to describe the process of healing as channelling. I don't agree. We're not channelling the healing vibration, we are the healing vibration. We're not channelling God, we're God. Gods! And Xmen. Calling myself a plumber isn't egotistical, but, apparently, calling myself a healer is.

There is no science to energy healing, because as soon as we research it, we alter the process. Creation. There is only the experience, without perception and interpretation, that has occurred in the past. I can heal like Jesus because his actions, intention, thoughts, and the-sexiest-body-odour-in-the-world remain as consciousness, and in the field of Life. I can become his experience because my body isn't solid, but an infinite range of vibration – light – a field of nothing that we cannot perceive or grasp, but what we are and everything is.

I'm a healer, I'm able to heal. I'm also a writer, and sometimes I write poorly, unless you've never seen or had the experience of writing. Then, depending on your level of fear or wonder, I'm a master or a freak. But, I always heal, not well or poorly, I simply heal. Healing is the science of nothing, the absence of the idea and form of nothing. Nothing. Ponder that you 'ego' slinging hypocrites. Oh bugger, that's ego.

Everything we think healing is is a belief system. Write a new story. Don't heal like me, Jesus, Mohammad – yes he was a healer – ascended masters, angels, or Santa Claus. Heal like you.

The world is filled with people marketing something. I'm doing it. I'm marketing my story, but this belief that we channel energy, spirit, God, really needs to be quashed. I'm aware that I'm like everyone else, that I have an opinion and experience that's my own. This doesn't make me right, but if you're going to argue the point with me make sure you have the evidence to back it up. Don't tell me that everything is connected – source energy, God, consciousness – and then separate 'you' from healing.

Too many people in spiritual, new age, alternative fields are talking about things they have no idea about or experience with. Vulnerable hurt people seek us out, and it's these people I'm writing for today.

Tomorrow I'll heal differently, tell a new story, and this is something Gegu and spirit have encouraged me to do. Spirit aren't teaching me, they're helping me to remember who I am, and they want me to be a creator not a copier.

And please, don't argue with Pooh bear.

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Monday, 22 August 2011

Rocking the Baby!

I have these phrases that I use to describe aspects of my work. Often, during healing's, I see my client's energy-bodies sit up out of the physical body. These bodies interact with me, not Simon the man, but with my soul, or the spirit overlaid in my energy field. At times, even though I'm aware of the position and pose of my body, I feel like an angel. Sometimes I can even feel wings. Are they real?

The client's energy-body embraces me and often I feel, and see that I'm cradling the client in my arms – rocking the baby. Occasionally, clients will tell me that they also experienced this. It's a powerful moment. I also hear a voice in my mind soothing the client, “Shh, baby, shh.”

Sometimes I'll say this out loud: if the client is crying or I'm seeing childhood trauma, teen abuse, violence, addictive self harming behaviours. I call my children babe, and I wonder if the voice uses those words because they're mine, or angels talk like that too.
 My neighbour's tree.

North Pine dam. 20 minutes down the road.
For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Saturday, 13 August 2011

What's in a Name?

I did a presentation at the Geelong Christian Spiritual Church today and afterwards a member of the congregation, a woman in her seventies, shared an interesting tale with me. She started by thanking me for the healing she'd received, and at first I thought she was talking about today and during the presentation. She'd recently visited her doctor to have a large raised itchy mole investigated. The doctor advised her to have the mole removed, but he was unable to do it on that day.

She attended the church some time later and when the reverend announced that Simon Hay was coming to do a presentation, a wave of tingly energy flowed through her body. The next day the mole had subsided and was no longer itchy. She pulled up her sleeve and showed me the light grey blemish that remained. Her skin looked smooth. She smiled and thanked me.

That's cool! Thank you, Gegu. "Thank you, my son."

This isn't a story about Simon Hay, this is about potential and possibility. Imagine if a surgeon's name, or your name got this response. It's possible.

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Spontaneous Distant Healing — a Client’s Experience

I’d like to thank Jen for allowing me to share this. This is common, and this also happens to some people at my events. Imagine if this healing vibration was present in a hospital. It is possible — all I’d need to do is to heal all the nurses, do a presentation about soul healing, and identify the gifted healers. I’d only need to find one natural healer and the vibration would transfer throughout the hospital.

"I am writing this testimonial for Simon as I have had the most amazing distance healing experience with him and it happened quite accidentally.

"It was one of those times that I had called out to the Universe for some much needed help, was just feeling so lost and unhappy and aching with it. Then suddenly I had stumbled upon Simon’s blog.  It was just what I had needed to read.  I felt so thankful that I wanted to find a way to say thank you.  I was feeling a bit shy though, so decided to say thank you to his photograph.

"I felt so much love and gratitude and there was a whoosh of energy and it was like Simon was right there with me and then I felt really hot, not sure if it was because I was slightly startled by the whoosh thing or it was healing energy. It was really strong, more like hands on healing than distance healing. I could really feel the love.  I think Simon was talking to me as the lips on the photo seemed to be moving.  I couldn't hear what was being said though, so sent Simon an e-mail sharing my trippy healing experience from looking at his photo. Seems this is quite a normal experience!  :)

"I have seen Simon in my dreamtime at least twice since then.  He is always smiling and Jesus is always standing to his right.  I have had CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) for about 12 years. In my dream I was shown the CFS as a pillow I was holding tight to my front. I was like a child, frightened, clutching tightly to the pillow. I don't remember much else except the love washing over me. The second time Simon and Jesus came, the pillow was still in my hand but it was dropped loose by my side and I was smiling at them and giggling. Not that I could hear what either of them was saying, but it was obviously making me giggle!

"I've been much brighter and feeling lifted. I was singing around the house yesterday.  I feel more self-confidence too.  I just feel happy and feel more loving towards myself. It's been a wonderfully healing experience for me and I can understand why he is called a soul healer as the healing feels deeply on a soul level.  I am so thankful that I found him and hope he comes to and tours in the UK soon! :)"

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Monday, 30 May 2011


Booloumba Creek is one of the many reasons I love living in Qld. A 75 minute drive from home, and, unless we’ve had heavy rain, you don’t need a 4 WD to get there. Booloumba Creek Rd is sealed and then you travel over a cattle grid, through a farming property, onto a gravel road, and across three shallow fords.  On the road we saw a small wallaby and a snake, and, while driving, bell birds sang to us. I’ve camped here a few times and I’ll be camping in the future, but this trip was a day visit. The creek-bed is filled with collectible rocks: jaspers, quartz, agates, and metallic shimmering something’s! I was going to bring two rocks home, but they asked to stay in the creek.

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Friday, 20 May 2011

Do You Want To?

There are many misconceptions about energy and spiritual healing. The biggest one, I believe, is that healing is a divine process. Often, people who work with spirit, in this field, separate light and darkness, love and ego, consciousness and Christ consciousness, and yet they preach, ego is the illusion we exist as a separate being. Apparently, the ego mind's function is separation, judgement, and fear, which is the creed, although they'd deny it, of many light workers—that title makes me cringe.

It's fair to say that I have a system of healing that's unique to me. I break everyone else's rules. I see Jesus' spirit and communicate with him in an unrecorded way: he's a simple man, his body odour smells great, he's talked to me about the violence and fear in his life, his imperfect family—like most families—and that he didn't want anyone to worship him or to start a church.

He talked to me about those things because I can heal the energy around those events, and I believed him. When I work with spirit, I want the real Jesus to stand beside me, and I believe that's what happened in my life in 2000.

No matter how many times I tell people I'm a regular guy, they perceive me not to be. Yes, I now have extraordinary experiences with spirit, but I've lived a regular and at time tumultuous life. The emotion and pain in my past doesn't affect my ability to heal, it enhances it. Sitting on a mountain top glowing with light doesn't heal anybody.

Does love heal? How about a parent's love for their child? If it was just love then I'm certain sick children would heal. We love our children, right? What about God's love, source energy, angels, and ascended masters? Don't they love us? Something is missing. The Dalai Lama loves Tibet, but he can't go home. Jesus loves Israel and it's people, but his homeland is a war zone.

If healing isn't successful then it must be something else: a soul contract, karma, or some other esoteric concept we've gleaned from conversations with spirit, ourselves, and the bogeyman. What if healers are responsible, what if our healing modalities and techniques are inadequate? What if we have no idea what we're really doing? I've met lots of healers who claim they know what they're doing and yet their results are minimal or non-existent.

Increasingly, I meet spiritual people who talk about love and compassion, but don't practice it. I don't want to be described or perceived as a spiritualist, so I try to keep myself small. The creating power of consciousness and spirit is vast, but I am small: I make mistakes, I can be impatient, cranky, tough to live with—regular!

Gegu, my guide, and Jesus have told me that my uncle Harry, who is in spirit, is just as powerful a healer as Jesus. What's that spirit dudes, an ordinary man can heal? You don't need a PHD, or accreditation to heal. You don't need to see/sense spirit, angels, demons, energy fields, and you don't need to be psychic or intuitive. Those things will manifest in time.

I believe there is only one thing you need to be able to heal a stranger and that's the answer to this question: do you want to? Know this though, you will not be in control. The creating force of consciousness, the client's soul is in control, healers are observers. The healer's role is important, but it is the smallest part of the process.

Talk soon. 

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Saturday, 16 April 2011

I haven't forgotten everyone!

Hi friends and family,

I'm in Oneonta NY finishing up some healing. I'm beat guys, my schedule has been hectic, so I haven't posted anything this week. I'm flying home Monday and I hope, if the plane has wifi, to post something on the flight home. Until then I'm thinking about you all, and I'm grateful that you've visited.

Love, Simon

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Suzie Cheel Interviews Me!

The beautiful Suzie Cheel interviewed me on the Gold Coast before Christmas, and here it is.

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Friday, 4 February 2011

Soul Healing, Energy Healing, Altered Consciousness & Spirit Guide

These healings are examples of human potential, they’re also fun, and I’m grateful that Gary lets me share them.

Gary goes into an altered-state when I’m healing him, and he has no control over what he’s doing or saying. With most clients I’ll see anatomical and cellular images, but with Gary I lose that ability. He, the intelligence of his energy field, consciousness, and spirit, is controlling his healing. With other clients I see their energy bodies, a body of light overlaid over their physical bodies, doing similar movements. I also see spirit-healers working on my clients. It’s not necessary to have Gary’s response to be healed, but its evidence of what’s possible. Gary, with a little help from me, is self-healing.

You’ll notice at 3:15 Gary looks like he’s pulling his shirt down. This is the first time he has done this, and at the time I was thinking I’d pull his shirt down for him. Gary/consciousness is aware of what I’m thinking. Everything is connected and communicates: Gary, me, spirit, the room, my neighbourhood, and …

In the second video Gary sings and talks in another language. This is the voice of one of his guides. He’s singing to connect with and bless the earth, spirit, and me. When he first started doing this I’d hear the English translation in my mind, but now my mind is silent—I just enjoy his singing. At the end of the video Gary looks distressed, he/the spirit is dying, and I’ve witnessed some graphic deaths. These are Gary’s past lives, but he’s also experienced other deaths on the healing table. Spirit uses him to pass other spirits into the light. If you have any questions, leave a comment, and I’ll try to answer them.

There is a third part, but I need to transcribe the audio. Talk soon.

Healing Gary 25 Jan 2011 Part 1 from Simon Hay on Vimeo.

Healing Gary 25 Jan 2011 Part 2 from Simon Hay on Vimeo.

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Friday, 28 January 2011

More Frogs!

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Sunday, 23 January 2011


Maree was excited to find a little green frog when she was mowing the lawns, and then she looked in the garden . . .

More tomorrow!
For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The Earth is Our Life Force

Increasingly, I’m being encouraged by spirit to simplify the process of healing. My role is important, but not mandatory. Everything we need to live a long and healthy life is here on earth. The eco-systems we’re systematically destroying worldwide are natural pharmacies. Our nutrition and health needs were catered for long before man walked this earth. It’s an example of intuitive pre-emptive healthcare, and something humans have taken for granted and forgotten. The earth is our life-force, our life-source.

When I heal Gary it’s common for him to sing in another language. He becomes his guide and blesses the earth, the elements, the wise ones, myself, and whoever else is present. He’s unaware of what he’s doing, and is surprised and a little overwhelmed when he watches the video recording.

I didn’t record his healing today, I’m not sure why not, and afterwards I was disappointed that I hadn’t. The previous healing Gary had moved so much that he almost fell off the healing table. This time he lay on the floor, and spirit and his body were grateful. His movements were amazing, and C, who was helping, and I could hardly believe what we were seeing.

Our bodies, minds, and souls have the intelligence and the means to heal—we’re a creating force. Mine and C’s role is the smallest part, important, but tiny. The room was filled with spirit and light, and C’s hands were sparking and mine were burning. Gary and his guides did more for us than we did for him.

Gary began to alternate between English and the indigenous language he was using, and this is a small part of what he said:

"Nurture the earth. The earth is your life force. Nature is in harmony. Do not destroy nature, do not alter nature, all that you need is in nature. Live simply. Greed will destabilise nature. Nature, the earth, is the creator’s gift. Pure thoughts, simple minds, and pure hearts."

There was more, Gary’s voice was gentle and kind, and, in between the short sentences, he sang in the other language. I believe his guide is an Aztec, and he and his lifetime have been receiving healing for many months. I’ve watched him/Gary die many times on the healing table. Greed caused the end of his people.

Gary also has a biblical guide, Michael, who also speaks to us. Gary sighs, his posture and voice changes when Michael replaces the wise elder. Michael blesses us and tells us we’ve been chosen. He directs me to find other healers and talks about souls. This time he mentioned how we have, “segregated humanity.” I wish I could remember it all.

These moments appear to be divine, and some might wonder why I’m not more conscientious about recording them. Yes, they are powerful, but they happen randomly as part of my day. This isn’t unique or divine; this is something we’ve forgotten. The more relaxed I am about this the more powerful these moments become, but here’s the paradox—there’s nothing that I have to do other than be Simon.

I don’t know how we’re going to get corporations and governments to unite and heal the world, but we must try.

Live simply. Be yourself, because you’re great.

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Yes We Survived the Qld Floods!

I’m grateful that so many of you have asked if the floods have affected us. We’re fine. The bottom of our street flooded for about four hours, and we had 75- 100mm of water flowing down the side of our house and out to the street.

This link will take you to a facebook page with photos of localised flooding. All the photos are within a three minute drive from home. Compared to parts of Brisbane and the Lockyear valley we were lucky.

 Our yard
 The end of our street. The water had already receded. It went up the street another two houses. I live near the top of the street; another six houses.
 My street is two houses to the left. Two houses in front of Maree and to the right there is another street. The water there was 2m deep.
 In a straight line this is 200m from my house. They had an SES crew and boats here evacuating the residents. Houses went completely under at the end of this street. The bottom of this street always floods.
 This is looking right from the previous photo. I spoke to a man here and he told me that he had lived here for 28 years and had never seen water flowing down Springfield Drive. The water was deceptively fast in places and almost knocked us over.
 The bottom of Springfield Drive.
 Normally you can't see the creek here; it's down a 4m embankment against the tree line.
We're standing in a private school. This is the schools car park.
For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer