Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Best Email To Get — An Unexpected Testimonial

This blog post was posted in May 2012 and then I only posted the email without any background information. I met Gail in the US in 2010 and 2011. When I returned home to Brisbane, Australia Gail contacted me and asked me to do a healing for Marcia. I was told she had cancer (I don’t recall the location of the tumour or type of cancer), was in hospice care and wasn’t expected to live.
Gail’s email to ask for the healing was brief, she paid for the session and I didn’t get a photo (which I prefer) of Marcia. I did the distant healing on the day I was contacted. There was no further correspondence between Gail and I until the shared email arrived one year later. Previously, I had wondered about the healing many times and Gail’s email was a happy surprise.
I asked why she had taken so long to notify me of this, in her words, a miracle healing. She shared that the healing outcome was unexpected and Marcia’s family didn’t want to jinx it by notifying me and celebrating.
I’ve done many healings for people with cancer and don’t believe I’ve got this positive health outcome with anyone who has been told they only have days or weeks to live. I’ve reduced tumour size, reduced the number of tumours, have had tumours disappear, and eliminated side effects of cancer treatment. I’ve not received testimonial for many of those healings, and, in the early years of my career, I rarely asked.
Recently, a journalist contacted a venue and asked why the venue was supporting someone who claimed to heal cancer. The journalist’s leading question caused the venue to withdraw support.
I don’t claim to heal cancer. I’ve had the successes that I share, publicly talk about the times clients haven’t experienced any noticeable changes and disclose that when contacted by new clients.
I expect and encourage scepticism, but rather than accusatory judgement employ curiosity and attention when investigating energy healing.
Marcia’s and other healings motivate me to investigate and improve my healing craft.   

Last year, I attended one of your workshops and became aware of the healing work that you do. At the same time I learned from my daughter and son-in-law that a friend of theirs named Marcia had cancer, was in hospice and was expected to live less than a week. I arranged for you to do a distance healing for her and told my daughter and son-in-law to let her know that healing and prayers were being offered for her. Several weeks later I asked my daughter how Marcia was doing. My daughter told me that suddenly Marcia’s tumour had disappeared and she was released from hospice to go home to be with her family. There was no medical explanation for her sudden recovery. It was a miracle healing.
Yesterday, well over a year since the healing, I asked my daughter and her husband how Marcia was doing. They said she is doing totally fine.
Simon, thank you for the love and healing that you share with the world. There are no boundaries that limit healing and the power of love. Nothing is impossible.
With great love and gratitude, Gail K

For more Soul Healing, visit simonhay.com.au
Before booking a healing, please read the disclaimer

1 comment:

  1. Hi Simon .. that's just wonderful and I'm so pleased for Marcia and her family.

    An email with such empathetic love .. great news for you .. and no wonder you're delighted ..

    Cheers Hilary
