Thursday, 31 October 2013

Psychic or Medium: How did you die?

There are degrees of accuracy between spirit communication and psychic readings. In both situations the information can be misinterpreted and it’s important for mediums to not let their personality, emotion and life experiences contaminate the information.
Psychic information is influenced by many factors: thought, speech, action, reaction, consequence, and location of the subject and participants of an event. In a publicised event, like a murder, it’s common to read the publicity and opinions of others rather than facts.
If the first psychic reads misinformation, another could intuit the same wrong information. It’s true by default, but not factual. Once the murder becomes a media story the information is now influenced by the public’s thoughts and actions.
Sadly, it’s easier to be wrong than right. I believe, to increase accuracy, psychics need to know how they’re working, what they’re really thinking and feeling, and be honest about all aspects of themselves.
Sometimes with suicides I’ll see multiple causes of death. I know a spirit is present, I see multiple suicides, but I don’t see the suicide. That’s a psychic reading. A medium reading is: I see and can describe a male in spirit, I hear the name John — I might only see the J and o knowing it’s a name that begins Jo — I smell alcohol, see a location, not the cause of death, but know it’s a suicide. That’s a conversation, using information rather than language with spirit.
I ask, “How did you die?” The spirit may not answer or I might not hear the answer.
“I killed myself.” But he doesn’t say or show how. I might feel the death in my body: I choke, my neck is stretched, I feel wet, I hear a bang, or I smell something —another conversation using information. In this case I’m empathic to, intuitive of the information stored in the spirit’s energy field/signature.
The spirit doesn’t want to tell me how he killed himself, but the client needs to know to believe I’m communicating with John. That information can be hidden by the emotional state of the client. Desperation and grief can sometimes, but not always silence the information.
Every reading is different. Similar to talking to a living person, conversations ebb and flow.
In some, there’s a perception that mediums and spirit should know everything, but that’s not true. Advice from spirit is still delivered from the personality and platform of the lifetime of the spirit. If dad gave lousy advice living, he’ll give lousy advice dead.
From spirit, the degree of truth increases though, which is difficult for some clients to hear.
“You’re responsible.”
“No I’m not. My spouse is a pig!”
Maybe, but you’re still responsible.
A psychic interprets information/frequencies of consciousness. A medium delivers, hopefully accurately, information.

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Wednesday, 16 October 2013

No, you don’t have a body buried under your house!

Twice this month I’ve heard stories about psychics telling people they have a body buried under their house. Apparently, hidden bodies cause children to misbehave and not sleep. The psychics also suggested rituals to cleanse the bad energy.

My suggestion: tell the psychic to leave and spend more time with your children. Clean, don’t cleanse your house.

My partner and I found a body. It was concreted in a barrel. The only bad energy was the shock of realising what we were looking at. If you have a body under your house, don’t dig it up. If you do, fortify yourself by watching The Walking Dead series and drink bourbon.

Psychics, don’t be dicks!

When I travelled to New York State, I saw visions of Native American Indian massacres. I travelled past historical sites and was disturbed by the energy there. I saw deaths and spirit asked me to heal the site and the people in spirit. 

At home, in NZ, and here in Australia I’ve had similar experiences with Maori and Aborigine in spirit. I’ve visited locations that agitate me. I feel watched and I’ll see images from the past.

Most people won’t be affected or be aware of the energy in such locations. Some will. It’s fear that causes an uncomfortable reaction. Time is flexible. The past exists in the present. We’re a body of light/information and we’re reactive to emotion and events that have happened in the past.

Stay calm, take a deep breath, and smile. Faith and compassion create peace.

And, “Mr Psychic, no, my house isn’t built on a burial ground.”
Stay calm. Stay calm. Bugger it! “Daryl! Where’s ya bow!”

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Thursday, 25 July 2013

Cancer, Desmoid Tumors, Healer, Faith & Courage

I posted this on FB. Some points need elaborating and in time will be published in a book I’m writing now. The comment from a client surprised me. I’m grateful she shared her courageous story.  
I don’t give medical advice. I share my failures and successes. Energy healing is an option and is still considered an alternative healing modality. I’d like to change that.

This year, I’ve done numerous healings for cancer and have had tumors shrink and disappear, shrink and become stable, and no change. Clients have reported improved health and blood work and that doctors have been surprised by the changes.
I have no medical training so I can’t comment on the illness, traditional treatments, or doctor’s reports and surprise.
The health of clients means the world to me. A healing state can be switched on in a body. Immune systems can be supported. Pain reduced and switched off. Health switched on. An ebb and flow (an analogy, but a good one) response often occurs: wellness, illness, wellness, illness, and, desirably, complete health. The periods of wellness increase, but often the severity of illness seems increased: pain and symptoms worsen for short periods of time.
The healing state is affected by environment: emotional environment of self, family, friends and medical practitioners — staff and location.
To heal, the environment of people, time and location need to be healed or disconnected (another analogy, because everything is always connected at varying frequencies or degrees) from the subtle energy fields of the body.
Fear attracts fear. Doubt attracts doubt. Truth heals. Love is the response. Spirit love us, not unconditionally, conditional by the vibrations in our energy field/consciousness.
Truth! Are you afraid of dying, of living? It’s okay to be afraid, to have doubts, but have courage too. The frequency of healing travels quicker on the threads of what’s true and that’s what’s unconditional. The healing frequency sees what is, not what we believe, feel or react to. Zero reaction. It’s there that healing occurs.
Sometimes the good intentions of others inhibit health or hold you in illness. Both states are different. It’s subtle and that’s the only true thing I do when I’m healing. Everything is subtle. I don't control the response. I trigger the response.
Something to think about. J

I am living proof of Simon’s work. I have to pick up my kids from school now but I WILL RETURN with my story. Stay tuned! Xxx
Hey-ya. So I was diagnosed with an extremely rare disease in early 2010 — desmoid tumors. I had one tumor in my side and had surgery to remove in May 2010. In August 2010 MRI confirmed a reoccurrence with another tumor twice as big and twice as aggressive. In early 2011 I had 30 rounds of radiotherapy to try and kill this new tumor. It worked and that tumor became dormant (no growth). But in 2012 another MRI confirmed two more tumors. We monitored their growth and by late 2012 one had attached itself to my ribs. With radiotherapy no longer an option my choices were down to a) chemotherapy with only 12% chance of success, or radical aggressive surgery. This surgery was to involve removing my entire left side of my body from my hip up to my chest. Taking out all the muscle and tissue, taking out two ribs and rebuilding my body with tissue from my thigh and using mesh to build my body wall. I would never be the same after this surgery. I pleaded for 3 more months to make my decision.
It was in that 3 months I asked Simon Hay to heal me. With nothing to lose and everything to gain I lay on the bed and put all of my faith in this wonderful man. He described the inside of my body so accurately. Describing the tumors and its tentacles as cobwebs (exactly as the doctors describe it). He had spirit doctors working on me for an hour and at the end he said, ‘we have turned all the tumor cells off. It is now dormant.’
I had my follow up MRI a few months later and the doctors actually called me back after I had left. I was in the car park leaving the hospital when my name was called over the load speaker! Feeling very alarmed I went back and they told me I needed to get back in the machine for more scans. They would not tell me why. Fearing the worst I lay back in and fought back tears for another 20 minutes whilst thy scanned me again. After an agonizing 7 day wait I got my results ... NO GROWTH. TUMOR STABLE. In 4 years this has never happened. They have always grown. Overjoyed they informed me I could go another 3 months of monitoring. So I once again avoided the dreaded decision of chemo or surgery.
Two weeks ago I had another healing session with Simon. I had an MRI last week and literally just got back from seeing my oncologist who was delighted to inform me once again, ‘NO GROWTH. TUMOR IS DORMANT.’ With no medical explanation, I haven’t had chemo, or any other drugs with this new tumor. I’ve only had healing sessions with Simon. And for the first time in 4 years I can go SIX WHOLE months without a scan. The doctors are that impressed with my unexpected results that they have prolonged my next scan.
To think that I was about to put my body through an irreversible operation that would leave me completely damaged, or pump poisons through my blood stream with such a minimal success rate leaves me rattled. I am forever thankful to Simon Hay for using his gift to heal me. Trust in the process, trust in him, and trust yourself. Xoxo

Rach, thank you! 

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Thursday, 18 July 2013

The Bookworms Fancy Fancies The Disciple

Erin Eymard, beautiful person and book reviewer read and reviewed The Disciple. Her blog, The Bookworms Fancy, is filled with reviews and author interviews. You might find a book and author you haven't read yet.

Thank you Erin!

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Thursday, 11 July 2013

I Be Readin! Reviews The Disciple

Scott Rudolph, bless his Canadian boots, reader and book reviewer has posted a wonderful review on his book review blog, I Be Readin!

I appreciate Scott's enthusiasm for books and his support of authors. I'm also grateful for the well constructed and honest review he gave. Some of the questions he raised, I've pondered also. Read it here and check out Scott's other reviews. You might find something you'd like to read.

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Tuesday, 9 July 2013

I'm at Pinky's Favourite Reads!

Fellow Australian and book reviewer Sharon Pollack interviewed me. 

Thanks Sharon!

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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Don’t Wait & See! Seek Further Healing & Lifestyle Changes

I’ve done many healings for clients suffering debilitating pain caused by illness, injury and unknown, to traditional health practitioners, causes. To protect client’s confidentiality I’m deliberately being vague about the specific causes of pain, but I’m referring to re-occurring or constant pain in a specific organ, system, muscle or area of the body. After a healing, there are five possible outcomes:

  • 1)   Complete and immediate pain reduction/health.
  • 2)    A noticeable health response and gradual pain reduction/health improvement.
  • 3)    The initial health response noted by others, not the client, and then gradual or immediate pain reduction/health improvement, but after a period of time the pain and symptoms return.
  • 4)    A barely discernible pain reduction/health response, but improved emotional state.
  • 5)    A nil response.

I’d like to address outcome 3. For clients, often the pain and symptoms re-occur, seemingly overnight, and are described as worse than before. There are lots of variations of these five outcomes, but, initially, with outcome 3 the changes usually go unnoticed by clients. I believe the response occurs immediately, but clients are unaware of them. I’m considering there’s a ‘ghost’ like response where clients believe the pain is still present, similar to what amputee’s experience.

A friend or family member often makes the client aware of changes they see: better posture, color, vitality and temperament, and the use of less or zero pain medication. In some cases, and after a period of time, clients realize their pain has eased or disappeared, but they can’t determine when it happened.
During a healing, one client switched their pain on again by thinking about it: the client noted he was pain free, enjoyed the feeling for a length of time, but every time he wondered if it had actually happened the pain returned. I intuited and felt the pain and switched it off again and again. It was only after the client told me what he was experiencing.

The client’s niece, present, commented how youthful and happy the client appeared at the end of the session. A visible weight had been lifted from him. Sadly, it didn’t last, but I believe it was his addiction to prescription drugs that kept him in a state of illness.

Repeatedly, clients who constantly think about or assess why their symptoms have gone, have those symptoms return. Usually the severity of the pain is increased, but it’s probable it only feels that way because clients have been pain free for a period of time.

Whenever I write or talk about any medical analysis I remind everyone that I have no medical training at all, and in this article I’m simply sharing my observations and deduction.

In most cases I believe clients have, by questioning the onset of health, willed the pain or illness to return. Rather than question the outcome and focus on waiting to see if the pain returns, they should have focused on living. I’ve heard countless times, “I feel great, but I’m just going to wait and see,” or something similar. It’s the ‘wait and see’ that’s keeping the vibration of pain active. It’s also beneficial to book another healing to accelerate and assist the body to heal for long term and permanent health.

If I was skeptical or pragmatic about how energy healing works I’d question how or why the pain had disappeared in the first instance and also how it returned. I have faith in energy healing and know, from experience and communicating with spirit, that health can be created with intention, not technique. I have a habitual routine, but I don’t employ any technique. I’m on the path of no path. There are many factors that influence success in energy healing, but our state of mind, our conscious and subconscious thoughts are the most powerful influencers.

If you come and see me and get any positive health response, don’t will your symptoms back. Book another session and improve all aspects of your life: diet, relationships with self, spouse, family and community, spring clean home and mind, and exercise.

Talk soon, Simon J

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