Monday 4 January 2010

Goals for 2010

When I look back over the last year I can see how much I’ve accomplished, but I don’t think I’ve taken the path of least resistance to get here. I’ve gargled with kerosene a few times and some people have scratched my back with rusty roofing iron. I’m feeling good about 2010 though and my back has healed. The scars are Sam Worthington sexy, the head is balder, chest hairs are greyer and longer now and in the right light I could be George Clooney’s torso double. It may pay some bills?

I’ve dabbled with goals and resolutions before, but this year I’ve been inspired to create an achievable list.

1) Increase traffic to my blog and website. I’m endeavouring to post more frequently and upload video content.

2) Structure my day and week better so I have set times to write and answer emails.

3) Literary agent. This is a big one, and the most important goal.

4) Healing and psychic workshops. These have been successful in the past, but I want to target a different/larger audience.

5) Travel overseas. I’ve already booked a trip to New Zealand in February, but I also want to visit Japan and the US.

6) Exercise more. I’ve already started to do this and Hugh Jackman’s interested. Son of Wolverine—watch out for it.

7) Buy at least one authentic, indigenous carved, piece of wooden furniture. I have to love it, so I won’t know what it is until I find it.

2010 will be a great year!

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  1. Hi Simon -- Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    I noticed your 1) above: Increase traffic -- One way I've found to do that is to visit other bloggers who share my interests and leave comments, so I try to set aside days when I pick one of the blogs I like and visit all of his/her followers and all of the blogs in his/her blogrolls. If there are other healing/spiritual blogs you visit regularly, you might want to start there.

    The other way I've picked up new visitors is by posting notes and links on Twitter and/or Facebook (but I only do that when I think the post is of special interest to a wide audience).

    Hope some of that is useful. This blogging gig is fantastic. I love it.

  2. Hi Patricia, thanks for the great tips. Blogging is a way to have a good conversation without cooking a roast!
