Monday, 26 July 2010

A Quote, because today, that's all I've time for!

If you want to live up to your potential, be as nice as you can be. Be as respectful as you can be. Be as honest with yourself as you can be. Because you can't be honest with other people if you are not honest with yourself. ~ Penelope Trunk

Te Kaha, New Zealand, dad's view left
Dad's view right
How close is dad to the water? This close!
In case you're wondering what we do at dad's. Not much! 
This one was too small! We put it back 
Scrappy's first fish. We ate this one! Thanks dad

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  1. Simple wisdom, yet so powerful. Thank you.

    Your father has a beautiful place! I'd never want to leave.

  2. Oh my word! Your dad lives in my version of paradise. Wow.

  3. The quote makes perfect sense.

    And the photos... well the coastal areas look breathtaking!!!

    Wishing you lots more fun, rest and memorable moments with the whole family :)

  4. What an amazing view! The photos are lovely, Simon.

  5. Hi everyone, thanks for visiting, and yes, my dad lives in paradise. I miss home.

  6. Thank you for sharing this quote and the pictures of paradise. I love this quote. It says it all.
