Sunday, 16 December 2012

Cover Reveal: The Disciple

I will be self publishing my debut book in early January. I'm doing final edits now. Until then enjoy the cover. Robert Baird, a fellow Australian, did an amazing job! Those are my hands. I'm excited and nervous, and I'm grateful to everyone who has supported me to accomplish this goal.

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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Cancer, Energy Healing & Possible Reasons For a Healthy Response

In early October I saw a client in Ararat, Victoria, who had cancer in her stomach and liver. She had a 7 cm and 5 cm tumour, and after the first session booked another two days later. Unknown to me she had, from the chemotherapy, been having nose bleeds and the inside of her nose was inflamed and full of sores. The sores disappeared after the first session and, according to her, every time she felt nauseous she thought about me and the feeling subsided. Initially, she contacted my host and said, (I'm paraphrasing) “ don't think that I'm crazy, but the sores have gone,” and that made her book another session. As part of her treatment, the tumours were rescanned 5 days after. They were now 3 cm and 1 cm, and the specialist had never seen anything like it.

I've been told all this second hand and don't yet have a testimonial, but the information is accurate. I believe the tumour will completely disappear, but unfortunately the chemotherapy will continue to make the client ill. I've mentioned before that I don't have any medical training or qualification, but I've been told, and if you do know, please share, that because the tumour has shrunk, the chemo will attack a higher percentage of healthy cells.

In my last post I talked about an unsuccessful cancer healing and the possible reasons why. In this healing I believe these factors contributed to the positive outcome:

Disclosure: the client fully disclosed her illness. It surprises me how many clients come for a specific reason, but won't tell me. Testing me to see if I'll find the problem limits the healing response. Often I'll find the illness regardless, but game playing agitates me and disrupts the flow of information – cellular and anatomical images, conversations with spirit and client's energy fields – I see. I know something is off, but I can't determine what it is.

Honesty: tell me how you feel, and being sceptical is fine, but being honest about it is better. Faith without expectation benefits healing, but you don't need to have faith in me. Be honest about that. I have faith, and its my job to make believers out of sceptics.

Awareness: when client's notice an improved health change, and again, I'm surprised by how many don't, the positive energy accelerates healing.

Gratitude: be grateful :).

It's not a big list, and I encourage you to read the previous post. I don't believe we should over complicate healing, and though there are many subtle influencing factors that may or may not affect the outcome, it's difficult to collect a body of evidence to prove or disprove theories.

Talk soon :).

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Friday, 19 October 2012

Energy Healing Success and Failure

This week, a lady who had a healing with me twelve months ago approached a friend and asked if I'd ever done any successful healings. My friend's response was, “yes, many.” The lady had cancer, had had a session with me and hadn't experienced a positive health response. She then visited another healer who advised her that I was a learner and wasn't connected to a divine power. Not surprisingly, he didn't heal the woman either.

I prefer to share positive stories to give people hope, but if you've come to one of my events or attended a session with me you'd hear me say, “I don't know what will happen during a healing or after, but I have faith and I'm often surprised by outcomes,” and this, “sometimes I'm not successful and I don't make excuses for this, I move on.” On the welcome page on my website is, “Although I’ve done numerous successful healings, I’ve also been unsuccessful many times. Some clients have had a nil or negligible health response.” 

I know I would’ve said these things or similar to the lady. I also would’ve discussed, even if she didn’t notice any changes to her health, booking another session. I believe, in some healings, the first healing addresses mental health issues and eases fear. A second healing may not be successful either, but many clients have had positive health outcomes after the second session.

I'm sorry that the lady has cancer, that I was unable to help her and I'm disappointed that another healer has misled her. I've heard similar judgements from alternative/spiritual healers many times and all of them aren't getting positive health responses. I could ask strangers in the street to do a healing and the recipient would feel something: tingling, warmth, a peaceful feeling, or experience immediate or gradual positive health. With modalities of energy or spiritual healing, my experience has been that accreditation doesn’t guarantee success.

I'd like everyone who came for a healing to have a positive health response, and, at times, it frustrates me this isn't the case. In my experience it's not for these reasons: belief (I’ve had success with sceptics many times), karma, soul contract, timing, or any other metaphysical reason some spiritual healers give.

We're all responsible for our past and present and in control of our future. That may seem like a heartless statement to an innocent victim of crime and illness, but I'm responsible for the death of the person who died last night in a drink driving accident. I drink, I drive, sometimes too fast, and when I was younger I drove after and while I was drinking. Potentially, I could've killed myself and someone else. I haven't driven after drinking alcohol for decades, but I've still contributed to the death-while-drink-driving vibration. 

Sometimes the habitual patterns/vibrations of generations of family and community seem insurmountable, but I'm certain that in every healing a window of opportunity is created for health to manifest. If clients monitor their thoughts and are willing, they can change lifestyle, social, emotional, and health conditions.

With all illness I've noted that there are some influencing factors that may – I say may because I've had positive responses with all these factors present – restrict success:

Medication: I'm not qualified to talk about medication, nor do I advise anyone to go off prescribed medication, but often I'm aware that treatment is affecting the immune and other natural systems of the body. I encourage clients to talk to their doctors and specialists about all health related topics.  

Desperation: I understand why people are desperate to heal or to connect with someone in spirit, but that emotion interferes with both processes. Wanting something causes tension in the subtle energy systems of mind and body, while allowing relaxes those systems.   

Expectation: I appreciate that people are excited to see me, but if you expect an outcome you may leave disappointed. Have no expectations and then be grateful for any discernible change. Gratitude is a powerful creating force.

Denial: This is tough for anyone to hear, but some people don't want to get well. This state of being is a debilitating addictive behaviour. This is different than being exhausted or overwhelmed by the struggle to be well. I have compassion for that situation and patience and hope for the person.

I believe timing and synchronicity is something we create, not the universe. The universe/field of consciousness responds to our intent, will and action, and with energy healing I only need a tiny vibrational shift/pathway to create change. The best path for this is honesty: are you afraid, are you lazy, and do you answer these questions with, “Yes, but …” No excuses, blame, or denial. It's cliché, but the truth will set you free. 

Sometimes, I'm not successful. Client's personality, circumstance and my experience may help me determine why, but I won't make excuses or mislead anyone.

In the last four weeks clients have shared these success stories: a lady booked for surgery to remove a gallstone, after one healing, is now symptom and pain free, another lady, also after one healing, believes her prolapsed uterus and bladder have repositioned and she has no discomfort during her period, a lady with suspect cells on her cervix, after one healing and further investigation is now healthy, another lady with a genetic immune system disease, after one distant healing, is symptom and pain free (she experienced excruciating spinal pain daily) and is off  the medication and steroids that were prescribed.

I’m grateful to have client’s trust and faith and I’m committed to improving and understanding my healing craft.

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Thursday, 27 September 2012

Sunrise at Wild Horse Mountain, Queensland

Maree and I got up at 4:30 AM to watch the sunrise at Wild Horse Mountain lookout in Beerwah, QLD. We haven't had much time together because of my work commitments, and this was a great way to start the weekend. 

 Glass House Mountains. Looking West.

 On the walk back we noticed these black cockatoos.

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Thursday, 6 September 2012

Happy Father's Day Simon!

I've been away from home for two weeks in VIC doing healings and readings and I've neglected my blog. I always have good intentions to post regularly, but my days are long and I don't have the energy. The trip was a success and I'm grateful to new hosts and clients for trusting me and having faith. I've been advised that two clients had cysts and a suspect tumour disappear overnight and I'm confident there will be further positive responses. As always the readings were fantastic and I'm grateful to spirit for their support and love. I'll post a meatier post later. Talk soon :).

I missed my family and arrived home on father's day to be greeted by this!

Max is loved & he loves the puppy too!

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Thursday, 9 August 2012

Medium – Physic Readings With a Dwarf & a Donkey

Thank you to new hosts, Sushi in Cairns and Monica in Sydney, and to everyone who trusted me to do a healing and reading. Thank you spirit, healers, Gegu, Jesus and family for always turning up and having faith in me. Donkey, you rock!

This week, I read an advertising blurb for a medium that said he was accompanied by a dwarf, Bernie, from another spiritual realm. Hobbit? I may have to dedicate a page on my website to the mythical God, Donkey, from that other spiritual realm: the madness of my mind ;). Possibly, man accompanied by dwarf is a brilliant medium, but it's curious that people take him seriously after his Weekend at Bernie's.

Just quietly though, Donkey is real ;). To be fair, I have had experiences with dwarfs in spirit that appear to be not from around here. Walk about dudes!

I've noticed that when I'm doing back to back readings and healings similar information and experiences group together. I had three deaths during child birth, three hangings, two Andrews booked appointments in the same day – this is surprising because 90% of my clients are women – Andrew was also a common name in spirit, and I had three clients, not connected, with Maltese bloodlines.

Names from spirit, for me, can be difficult to hear. I'll often get a sound like name or the strong letter, but that is improving. 60% of the time I get the name, although sometimes it's the middle or surname. I'm spirit's puppet and they're smarter than the average bear. They often give me information about a living person that client's know, and then direct me to ask for that person's full name. The name is shared by the spirit that's communicating. In one instance I was given information about a living John, a name I don't have difficulty hearing, and then a woman connected to him who had breast cancer, two kids, and a son Daniel. Her name was Melissa Elizabeth. Elizabeth was the name of my client's mother-in-law and it was, Dorothy, her middle name that spirit was saying to me. Once my client heard the name Dorothy, everything I'd told her at the start of our conversation made sense.

My work is emotional, exciting and often funny. With one client spirit shouted the name, Bruce, over and over as soon as she entered the room. She didn't know any Bruce's, living or dead. I talked to her about a man who suicided, and the details about his life and death were accurate. I adopted his personality and mannerisms, and my client laughed and cried. Both of us commented that he was a joker, his name was Wayne. Bruce Wayne, Batman! Yes, and the Joker :).

Talk soon, Simon, Gegu and Donkey, “Donkey? … Donkey! Oh, there you are. I didn't see Frodo come in.”

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Friday, 20 July 2012

Belief is a Product of Human Consciousness

This is what you'll find on Facebook. Visit sometime :)

Living as a spiritual being doesn't mean conforming to spiritual belief systems. Belief is a product of human consciousness not experience. My experiences and conversations with nature are happening now. They don't happen because of the experiences of a past life. If my soul has lived a thousand lives those experiences and knowledge are also the experiences and knowledge of your soul.
Soul contracts, soul mates, karma, the hierarchy of ascended masters/spirit, are all human belief systems. When you put aside everything you've read, heard and then believed to be true – including the stories I share – and only focus on what you experience, then you're experience will be the only true thing. My stories are interesting or boring depending on the listener. They're only true for me.
Our belief systems remain in consciousness/the universe, and connecting with, intuiting, channelling that information doesn't make it true. Creating 'miraculous' healings are the building blocks needed to create another, but with subtle differences. Be brave enough to create something new. Spirit and the energy/vibrations of the past will assist you, but spirit are waiting for us to be original and creators.
The Christ consciousness is an energy created by human consciousness. Jesus was a mother's son, a boy and then a man. That's what made him powerful and interesting. Be that! A son, a daughter, a man, or a woman, and be magnificent.
We love you. ♥

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Thursday, 5 July 2012

My Dog Died & My Heart Broke

On Wednesday morning I went downstairs and Tink was unconscious. I rushed her to the vets and I was advised she may have a brain injury or illness. She was in a coma and had zero neurological responses. The vet asked if I wanted to put her down, as she couldn't guarantee, because of Tink's condition, that treatment would help.

Tink asked me, “let me go,” but I wasn't brave enough. I've worked with clients in palliative care before, and their souls ask to be freed, but Tink was family, and I ignored her plea. The vet wrapped her in heat blankets, shaved parts of her body and hooked her up to a drip, took blood for testing, and consulted with staff. Tink recovered over the day, was able to walk, drink and feed, but she deteriorated overnight and by morning was in a coma again.

I spoke to the vet by phone and this time I was able to advise her to euthanise her, but I asked her to wait until I was there. I didn't want Tink to die without family beside her. She died three minutes before Maree, Julia and I arrived. We viewed her body, I held her cold ear, and our hearts broke. I cry every time I think about her.

I know that Tink will visit in spirit, but the last conversation we had haunts me. She knew she was dying, and she wanted me to let her go. 

“Tink, I love you, baby girl. We're all going to miss you.”

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Sunday, 17 June 2012

Insights Into How I do Psychic Readings

Every time I do days of back to back healings and readings I experience something new. I'm still not certain how I do what I do, but I always have fun. When I hear names from spirit I sometimes hear a sounds-like name: let's say the spirit's name is Gary, I might hear Larry, Barry, Harry … I usually know if it's a sounds-like though, and I also know if the name is right. I might get the strong letter sound: the D, the M, the K for c or k.

One of the days, during the previous trip away, I heard all the names of the living people connected to clients. The following day I got all the names of the dead people, another day I hit all the middle names, and then, just to mix it up, I did a day of initials. A little crazy, and I'm not sure why. This trip I did a day of birth dates to identify spirit, and, during one reading, I saw images of rolling dices: a 1 and 6, 16th, 2 and 3, 23rd.

I'm an information guy, I see images, movie-like, of memories of a spirit's life. I see from the spirit's eyes and also as an observer. This is accompanied by fragments of dialogue. I'm also empathic to body types, illness, injury, and death. Often, what I hear in my mind I don't say. This surprises me. At times it's like I have no control over what I'm saying. I don't let this frustrate me, I simply explain to clients how I work with spirit and, mostly, they tune into the experience and our conversation and the information flows.

When I get a positive response from clients the reading flows better. This makes it difficult if the client doesn't know the spirit that's communicating. I encourage everyone to be positive and interested. There's a subtle difference between not knowing and not responding. Not responding stalls the flow of information, while not knowing allows me to get a block of information but it usually doesn't go anywhere. Spirit want to reassure us that they're still part of the family. “Hi, I'm here, but I have nothing to say.”

When a client is desperate to communicate to a particular spirit, for me, this also obstructs the information from flowing. Often, I'll connect with everyone else first before connecting with the spirit clients want to hear from. I cannot script who will turn up. If the client wants to communicate to dad, and I don't connect with dad, doesn't mean that dad's not present though.

I also slide from one spirit to the next, or jump from similar vibrations of information. I connect with John the living friend, describe his life or an incident in his life that needs healing, then slide to John, the dad in spirit, then onto the grandfather George John Smith – middle name John – then to the client's in-law's uncle John.

I may connect with living John, the client's friend, and then John's sister in law Jenny who has cancer. This will lead to Jenny's mother, who is not connected to the client, who died from lung cancer, and then to the client's grandfather, Albert, who had bowel cancer. Albert is from the client's father's side, and it's the father the client wants to connect with. The client's so desperate to connect that I cannot hear the father's name, but I see clear images: the hospital room where he died, the people that were there, the gold ring that was left to the client's brother, the tattoo on the father's forearm, the tattoo that the client got in memory of dad, …

In a recent reading I'd already spoken to three people connected to both mother and father who had died from cancer close together. I was concerned that my memory of the previous readings, as they were only days apart, would influence or hinder what I got from spirit. I needn't have worried, spirit gave me all new images and stories for the son to confirm that his parents were watching over his family and him: the flatscreen TV that had fallen a few days ago, the discussion to buy a pool table, the father's record collection and old stereo the son still played, favourite songs, and other personal information known only to the son.

I connect with and see living people the same as the dead, so sometimes' I'm not sure if it's spirit or a psychic image I'm working with. When I touch, or are near someone they 'speak' to me in my mind. As do people connected to clients. It get's a little confusing, but, mostly, clients enjoy our conversations and it all makes sense.

Every healing and readings is different and sometimes I don't get any information known to clients. I always trust that what I'm receiving is correct, even if I can't place it in the right part of the family or time period. There maybe the perception that I should know, but communicating with spirit doesn't work like that. Some clients have described that I look and talk like the spirit I'm connected to. My mannerisms are the same. This is often more important than what I'm saying.

It's always interesting, emotional and exciting. I don't know why every reading is different, but I'm always grateful to spirit for their efforts, and to clients for their trust. Talk soon :).

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Sunday, 27 May 2012

Things That Make Me Go Mmmm … Energy Healing, Ethics, Respect 4 Teens, & Transparency

Energy healing is still considered an alternative healing modality and because of this you should read the disclaimer on my website before making the decision to see me. This is some of what you'll find there and the information is relevant to this article:

Simon Hay does not provide medical diagnosis, or consultations related to health, medical, or psychiatric issues. Soul healing is an alternative hands-on healing method, and although there is evidence that soul healing is effective treating physical, mental, and spiritual conditions, the method is considered alternative or complementary by Western health care professionals. 
By engaging with spirit, energy fields, and systems natural to each person and the Universe, Simon Hay is connecting to the subtle energy fields or spiritual bodies of the client, not the physical body which is the domain of the medical field and other allied health care professionals.

Simon Hay is not a medical doctor or other licensed health care professional, and cannot and will not provide you with any kind of medical care, treatment, or diagnosis in relation to the physical health or wellbeing of your body. Soul healing is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed and registered healthcare professionals. You should seek professional medical advice before making any health decision.

I highlighted the important bits. In all my consultations, speaking events and writings, I always disclose that I have no medical training or accreditation in any modality of healing. This, from the About page on my website: I'm not like other healers. I cannot show you a certificate or a diploma, and the only letters after my name are the ones I share with my father.

Although I have absolute faith in what I do, I'm transparent and honest about my work, and I need to be. Not for the obvious reasons of liability, but out of respect for the people who place trust in me. I have been unsuccessful many times, clients have had no discernible healing response or health change.

Tonight, a close friend told me about an incident that happened at a mind body spirit expo today. A fourteen year old girl went to have a 'free' massage with an alternative healer – let's call him altered-ego. The girl returned distressed and relayed to my friend that during the massage, altered-ego had diagnosed her to have had an assortment of health issues. I'm presuming altered-ego considers himself a medical intuitive.

After the 'free' massage and during the consult, altered-ego told the girl he could heal her if she booked a session with him, and if she couldn't commit to a treatment she could buy his book and learn to heal herself.

My friend calmed the teen down and talked to her mother. The mother challenged altered-ego, who at first denied any diagnosis', and then admitted he had diagnosed a few minor health issues. His qualification to do so, nil, nada, zip! Oh, he had accreditation in, I'd rather not say healing, or as I prefer to call it, I attended an over-priced weekend workshop and received a sheet of shiny toilet paper with my name on it.

That may annoy some practitioners of energy healing, but let's be honest. Completing a workshop and receiving a certificate of accreditation doesn't guarantee proficiency or results. It's a certificate of attendance, and that's all. I've met and continue to meet people who can heal and get results without any prior experience in or connection to energy healing. All I have to do is encourage them to try. These meetings and my own personal journey have left me sceptical of the validity of certification.

I hear these stories too often and they make it difficult for genuine healers to be taken seriously. Put aside that altered-ego's an idiot, he touched a fourteen year old without parental consent. If my clients aren't eighteen and a parent's not present I won't heal them. I ask parents to sit in on the session. Even when I do distant healing's, I ask for a parent to be in the room with the minor and parents are advised to read all the information on my website beforehand.

Being a medical intuitive, and I'm assuming that's what altered-ego thinks he is, is an abstract science/function. The information is influenced by human consciousness and I'm certain no two intuitive's would work the same. A good – and I don't know how to measure that – medical intuitive working in conjunction with a doctor or surgeon would make a formidable team.

I see, similar to dreaming, anatomical and cellular images, as a hologram projection, when I'm healing, but I don't always know what I'm seeing or why. At times 'I'm' the fluids in the body. I sense and I am 'something'. I don't know how this is possible and I don't how I'm able to get the results that I do. Intention and faith seem important, but so can be bored detachment and, “fark, I'll give this a try.”

As I have no medical training I'd rather be described as an intuitive than a medical intuitive. I'm aware that some client's consider me to be one and I have used the #medical and #intuitive hash-tag on twitter. It's complicated to fit into any one box.

If you're looking for an alternative healer, do some research. Most of my clients are via referrals, and this really is the best endorsement. I know that there are good healers who aren't as vocal or as visible as I am, but check to see if websites are professional and free of advertising. My site is informative and I keep the marketing to a minimum. Want to know how or what I do? Read all the information on my website and every article on my blog. I guess it's not an absolute, but good healers will be transparent and share everything they know.

If you've had a similar experience, please share. No names though. Contact me if you want to vent, that way we can keep our online conversations respectful. Talk soon :).

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Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Online Friends and Writers – Dionne Lister

Hey readers and friends, today I'd like to introduce Dionne Lister to you, writer, editor, and fellow Aussie. I met Dionne on twitter and my xman-psychic senses started to tingle, this woman's freakin' awesome! This is what you'll find on her bio: Hi, I'm a writer from Sydney. I love writing and reading and entertaining people with my stories. I write web copy, articles, suspenseful short stories and my blog posts try to be funny. I've also released an action packed fantasy/adventure novel. As my tag on twitter says, “I love sharing my stories but I wish they wouldn’t keep me awake at night.”

Mmmm … I believe we can add time traveller, shapeshifter, talented artist, community builder, generous supporter of writers and friends, and dragon wrangler. Enough from me. ;)

Please tell us why you love writing, and sell your book/yourself to us.
I’ve always loved reading and writing. I love it as an escape. When I write I am totally living within the world I have created in my mind, to the point that, when I read it back I wonder where it actually came from. My perception of time changes and writing for 2 hours can feel like 30 minutes.

The writing process is actually the easiest in producing a book. The editing is hard work and the promotion even harder. I think without writing, even though I dabble in art, I would lose a very big piece of myself, one that would leave me feeling very empty.

My first book, Shadows of the Realm, is fantasy but deals with issues such as coming of age and building confidence in yourself, as well as the familiar good v’s evil. There are dragons, and animals are some of the main characters. There’s also a bit of horror thrown in for good measure (only a chapter or so)—I think that was my Stephen King influence coming out. It’s fast paced with lots of stuff going on to keep people reading. It’s been edited to death (in a good way) and the cover is so awesome—I am in awe of Robert Baird, the Sydney artist who did it for me.

If you could travel back in time and talk to yourself, what age would you be and what would you say?
I would go back to when I was 8 or 9. I had a really hard time at school and only 2 friends. I would tell myself that the kids who teased me had no idea what they were talking about and that I was just as good as everyone else. I would say, “Just wait till you grow up, you’ll find people who get you and appreciate you for who you are and the rest aren’t worth thinking about.”

If you had the opportunity to talk to high school students, what would you talk about and why?
Hmm, that’s hard because they don’t listen much to advice, so I don’t know if any of what I’d say would sink in—I remember being a teenager lol. I think I’d say, I know some of you think it’s boring to study but having no money and staying in a crap job because you’re desperate isn’t fun either, and it lasts a lot longer than school ever will.

Can you share a defining moment in your life?
The day I saw the online course for the creative writing degree I’m doing. Within 6 months of starting it, I had changed jobs and have never looked back. It has been a real turning point in my life.

What's on your bucket list that would surprise your family and friends?
I don’t have a bucket list, how boring is that? I have goals but they’re things that wouldn’t surprise anyone—like becoming a best-selling author with people actually asking me to sign a book for them (preferably one I’d written lol).

And, because we love them, do you have a ghost/supernatural story to share? Sort of. When I was 4 months pregnant with my second child, my first was only 12 months old. My 58 year old auntie had been very sick. It had happened suddenly. Anyway, my parents came over to tell me she had died that morning and I was devastated. After they left, my 12 month old son went to his room and came back with a small plush Snoopy toy. This Snoopy had originally been given to my grandfather by my deceased aunt, and when my grandparents died she gave it to me for my kids. My son had never shown an interest in this toy before. I have always wondered if it was my aunt saying goodbye.

Do you believe dragons are real?
Hmm, in my mind they are ;).
Simon says: I asked because I see dragons the same way that I see angels, and I was hoping for some company in the padded room :).

Where's Dionne?
I’m a Sydneysider who has a lot going on right now. I have two children, 4 and 5 years old, I work 3 days a week doing copy (writing) jobs, I do uni, play Oztag, touch football and do life drawing once a week. I think I’m going insane because I’ve taken too much on (or maybe I was already crazy), but I like to be busy. Promoting the book is also taking a lot of my time and I’ve convinced four book stores in Sydney to have a look, I’m even thinking of getting posters done so I’m very excited.

I’m hoping to start my second book in the Circle of Talia series after the next Session of uni finishes, in about October, as I’ve already had some inspiring feedback from the first book, Shadows of the Realm. It’s hard to be motivated when you’re not sure if you’re on the right track, but the awesome readers who have given it a go, have had wonderful things to say, so I’m keen to get on with the next one. Oh, and I also edit other people’s work for a living, I’ve recently finished Tonya Cannariato’s Dust to Blood (Red Slaves) so if you’re an indie author, check out my website for info.

I’d just like to thank you, Simon (a fellow Awesome Aussie), for inviting me to your space, I’ve really enjoyed my visit, and thanks to everyone who has taken the time to get to know me a little here.

Dionne, thanks for being a great guest. Readers and friends, please visit Dionne's website, follow her on twitter , friend her on Facebook, and say hi :). The dragon will bring you luck ;). You can also listen to Dionne on her Tweep Nation podcast, it's loosely based on twitter, a little crazy, a lot of fun, and for adults. I listened to an interview today and it's a great platform to connect with authors. Outstanding! 

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